



      Fellow Deputies,

      On behalf of the People’s Government of Xi’an, I will now report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also ask members of the Xi’an Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for their comments.


      I. A Review of Our Work in 2021 and Major Achievements over the Past Five Years


      The year 2021 was extraordinarily important in the development of Xi'an. This year, we celebrated the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), carried forward the great founding spirit of the CPC, and worked together to make progress on all fronts while drawing on the CPC's century-long experience of striving ahead. A mighty force came together to accelerate the building of a national central city in an all-around way. Last year, we focused on making the 14th National Games held in Xi'an an unforgettable event. General Secretary Xi Jinping coming to our city to announce the opening of the Games, which showed how much he cares about the city, has been the greatest source of inspiration and motivation for us. The wonderfully successful event demonstrated the unstoppable momentum of Xi'an in the new era to the whole country and even the world. Last year, we faced a severe and complex test in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic. Under the care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and the overall planning and cross-department command system of the provincial Party committee and provincial government, all Party members and cadres and the public were united in the victorious fight against Covid-19 outbreaks in the city.


      We faced in the past year the daunting challenge of dealing with important jobs and difficult tasks at the same time, as well as complex new situations. Under the strong leadership of the municipal Party committee, we have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and all previous plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, thoroughly studied and implemented the important speeches and instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping while visiting Shaanxi. We adhered to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully, accurately, and thoroughly implemented the new development concept, coordinated Covid-19 prevention and control and economic and social development, and coordinated development and security. We diligently fulfilled the “Five Requirements” (requirements put forward by President Xi Jinping for the province, including taking greater steps in high-quality economic development, building an inland hub of reform and opening up, promoting the continuous improvement of ecological environment, enhancing the protection of people's livelihood and social development, and promoting the in-depth implementation of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party), carried out the “Five Solidly Performed Tasks” (tasks put forward by President Xi Jinping for the province, including promoting sustainable and healthy economic development, developing characteristic modern agriculture, strengthening cultural advancements, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, and enforcing comprehensive and strict governance of the Party), and made every effort to achieve “Stabilizing Six Fronts” (employment, the financial sector, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, and expectations) and “Maintaining Security in Six Areas” (job security, basic living needs, operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and the normal functioning of primary-level governments). The local GDP was about 1.1 trillion yuan, an annual increase of 4.1% and an average increase of 4.6% over the past two years. The per capita disposable income of residents increased by 8.2%. These figures show that we have achieved a strong start in the 14th Five-Year Plan.


      i. We resolutely assumed the responsibility as the main venue city of the 14th National Games, ensuring the success of the 14th National Games and the 8th National Special Olympic Games. Keeping in mind the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping to "host a wonderful and successful sports event" that was "simple, safe and splendid," the whole city was mobilized to prepare for the Games with utmost attention to detail and commitment to perfection. A total of 25 venues were built or renovated, and the meticulously built National Games Village met every athlete’s needs with first-class services. Major events such as the opening and closing ceremonies and torch relay went smoothly, and the sports competitions and mass performances had many exciting moments. The 14th National Games was hailed by the General Administration of Sport as "the National Games with the best results, the greatest influence, and the most public attention." The China Disabled Persons' Federation praised the 8th National Special Olympic Games for being “particularly attentive to and considerate of disabled people” and for “the high-achieving individuals and teams with fruitful results." The Xi'an Olympic Sports Center has become a new landmark of the city, and several modern first-class sports venues and facilities are open to the public.


      To make the most of the Games as a driver for the city’s development, we focused on redressing shortcomings, enhancing functions, and improving quality. Several major node projects such as the Zhuhong Road-Fengcheng 5th Road Overpass, beltway-crossing Olympic Sports Avenue Overpass, Yuanshuo Bridge, Xingyun Bridge, Chanba Tunnel, and Olympic Tunnel were completed and opened to traffic as the city’s expressway network began to take shape. Key projects such as the renovation and expansion of the Xi’an Railway Station and the upgrading of the Beikezhan transport hub were completed and put into use. Metro Line 14 was completed and put into operation, as was the renovation of Yanliang and Lintong railway stations, where the "Hulk" bullet train services were later launched. The Small Wild Goose Pagoda Park and Yisushe cultural block were renovated; the Weiyang Palace in Chang'an City of the Western Han Dynasty National Archaeological Site Park was opened to the public; the Mingdemen heritage site protection and exhibition project was completed; the Datang Sleepless City/Great Tang All Day Mall and the City Wall Scenic Area were approved to join the first batch of national nighttime cultural and tourist consumption clusters. Among the first batch of the national urban renewal pilot program, Xi’an saw 753 old communities with more than 8.8 million square meters renovated, 267 kilometers of electricity wires and communication cables buried underground, 169 green squares and pocket parks built, renovated, or upgraded, 511 kilometers of new greenways built, and 16.2 million square meters of green spaces added over 2021.


      ii. Unstinting efforts were made to upgrade and optimize the industrial chains, and the positioning of a city as a strong player in the advanced manufacturing industry was solidly advanced. We focused on cultivating, supplementing, extending, and strengthening 19 key industrial chains, which led to an increase of 5.7% in the added value of the city’s industrial enterprises above the designated size, an increase of 26.6% in the output of high-tech manufacturing industry, and an increase of 27.6% in the strategic emerging industries above the designated size. The aviation cluster made the winners list in the first-batch national advanced manufacturing clusters competition. The High-tech Industries Development Zone, Shaangu Group, and NovaStar Technology were selected as parts of the national pilot project for the integrated development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries. Tax and fee reductions introduced last year totaled 14.9 billion yuan, and 501,000 new market entities were registered. A total of 507 billion yuan, 121.8% of the plan for 2021, was invested in 510 municipal key projects under construction. Pillar industry projects completed and put into operation in 2021 include the 12-inch NAND flash memory chip phase II project of Samsung China Semiconductor Co, the new Smart factory of Geely and Mercedes, the ESWIN Silicon Industrial Base, and the Honor Tech Park. Such key projects as the BYD power battery plant, LONGi 29GW high-efficiency monocrystalline battery plant, and the Belt and Road Lingang Industrial Park were progressing smoothly. Inbound domestic investment of 315.8 billion yuan was recorded, an increase of 32.9%, and utilized foreign investment reached 8.7 billion US dollars, an increase of 13.5%.


      iii. The potential for innovation in science and technology was more efficiently tapped through building the Qinchuangyuan “One Showpiece and Two Belts” (the Xixian New Area as the showpiece, the Qinchuangyuan Technological Innovation Demonstration Belt, and the Qinchuangyuan Advanced Manufacturing Demonstration Belt). A three-year plan for the growth of Qinchuangyuan, an innovation-promoting platform, was issued to coordinate the development of the Qinchuangyuan “One Showpiece and Two Belts.” A total of 131 industry-university-research-users-finance collaborative innovation activities were carried out, achievements in science and technology in 403 projects were locally transferred and commercialized, and the turnover of technical contracts exceeded 220 billion yuan, an increase of 34%. With support from the China SME Development Fund and National Fund for Technology Transfer and Commercialization, 20 innovation platforms in ceramic matrix composites, integrated circuits, and interdisciplinary information technology, among others, were built in Xi’an, with the Rare Metal Materials Innovation Center being rated as a national innovation center. The Supercomputing (Xi'an) Center was incorporated into the national supercomputing system, and the Beilin universities innovation industry belt was approved as a national “hard technology” (core technology that requires long-term research and development) innovation pilot block. More than 1,900 national high-tech enterprises were set up, an increase of 25%, more than 8,500 high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were registered, an increase of 30%, and nine companies were newly listed. Xi'an ranks seventh in the country and first in the western region in its innovation capability among national innovative cities.


      iv. Reform and opening up deepened, and the development momentum was continuously strengthened. We continued to push forward the reforms to streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services. Reform measures such as one-stop government services, license approval upon the signing of a letter of informed pledge, and delivering the real estate ownership certificate during house closing proved fruitful. The whole-process approval time for government investment and private-sector investment projects was shortened to 60 and 35 workdays, respectively. Xi’an became the first Chinese city to set up a municipal-level administrative dispute prevention and mediation center, and it was rated as one of the most business-friendly Chinese cities. We stepped up the reform of development zones, exploring the adoption of the management system of "integration of administrative districts and development zones" in Yanliang District and the China Aviation Industrial Base located there. The pilot program of a local comprehensive reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) was launched, with the first-batch comprehensive reform funds totaling 5 billion yuan having been allocated.


      The city's total import and export value was 440 billion yuan, an increase of 26.5%, and for promoting foreign trade stability and innovative development with outstanding results, it was selected to receive national incentives and support. The seven innovative achievements of China (Shaanxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone have been promoted nationwide. The innovative import promotion demonstration zone, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, and deepening of service trade innovation and development as a pilot city have achieved remarkable results, with the Qujiang New Area approved as a national cultural export base. The construction of the China-Europe Railway Express (Xi'an) Assembly Center, a national demonstration project, has been accelerated in an all-around way. The freight train Chang’an made 3,841 trips, its key performance indicators consistently ranking first in China. The building of Xi’an into an international air hub gained more momentum, and the project was listed as one of the first national logistics hubs to be built during the 14th Five-Year Plan. The Belt and Road Demonstration Zone for International Commercial Legal Services, consisting of two courts (the Second International Commercial Court of the Supreme People's Court and the Sixth Circuit Court of the Supreme People’s Court), three centers (the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Legal Service Committee Xi’an Center, the Belt and Road International Lawyers Association Xi’an Center, and the Belt and Road Center for International Commercial Dispute Resolution at Xi’an, PR China), and one base (National Biosafety Evidence Foundation) was completed and put into operation. The Silk Expo, the Global Hard & Core Technology Conference, and the Global Venture Capital Summit were all successfully held. The 2021 Euro-Asia Economic Forum was named the “2021 most influential brand exhibition in China.” We fulfilled our task of ensuring the smooth holding of the second meeting of foreign ministers of China and five Central Asian countries. The United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific Tourism Committee settled in Xi'an, and five more cities became international friendship (exchange) cities with Xi’an.


      v. In the battle against pollution, the quality of the city’s ecological environment continued to improve. The Qinling Mountains Ecological Environment Protection Plan was compiled and published, and the comprehensive treatment of 15 valley roads and valley openings, such as Gaoguan Valley and Liuquan Valley, was completed. A comprehensive ecological compensation mechanism was established for the Qinling Mountains, as was an information-driven supervision platform for the protection of the Qinling Mountains. We vigorously carried out five campaigns including comprehensive environmental management, monitoring capacity improvement, and mobile pollution source reduction in key areas. There were 265 days of excellent or good air quality throughout the year, with the density of PM2.5 reduced by 19.6% year on year. The air quality of 2021 was the best in recent years. The branch project of the water diversion project from the Han to Wei River got underway; the impoundment at the north section of the Doumen Reservoir was completed; several water treatment projects, such as the ecological restoration project of the Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone section of the Feng River, were completed. The classification of urban and rural domestic waste was actively promoted, and the four planned kitchen waste treatment plants were completed and put into use. The Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone, the Economic & Technological Development Zone, and Baqiao District were approved as pilot sites for national whole-county (district) adoption of rooftop distributed photovoltaics.


      vi. We consolidated the achievements in poverty alleviation and comprehensively drove forward rural revitalization. For areas lifted out of poverty, we strictly followed the requirement to keep being responsible for their people’s wellbeing and keep necessary anti-poverty policies, assistance, and supervision in place. We optimized and adjusted 31 follow-up policies about project funds, civil affairs safety net, and access to medical care, among others, improved dynamic monitoring to prevent people from slipping back into poverty, and prioritized the execution of support measures for key groups such as households hovering around the poverty line, marginal households prone to poverty, and households with sudden serious difficulties. With steady progress made in ensuring people's access to sufficient food and clothing, compulsory education, basic health care, basic housing, and safe drinking water, there were no large numbers of people returning to poverty, a bottom line for us. We took multiple measures to ensure agricultural production, completing the construction of 158,700 mu (1 mu is equal to about 666.7 square meters) of high-standard farmland. The city’s ability to ensure food security was effectively improved, winning it the title of a national example for grain production. We ranked sixth among 36 large and medium-sized cities nationwide in the evaluation of the “vegetable basket” mayor responsibility system. “Shell villages" (poor villages whose male adults have left to work in cities) in the collective economy were completely eliminated. Lantian County was named a national demonstration county for e-commerce in rural areas. Gaoling District became part of a new round of national rural homestead system pilot reform. Xi'an was among the first batch of national outstanding demonstration cities in rural road construction, management, operation, and maintenance.


      vii. Focusing on matters people care most about, we strived to meet their livelihood needs promptly. A total of 159,800 new jobs were created in urban areas, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate was 5.5%. A total of 143 schools were built or renovated, adding 130,400 new school places. The "double reduction" of compulsory education to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for young students was solidly carried out, and vocational education was given more support. The construction of 13 key hospitals, 24 district and county-level medical and health institutions, and 20 district and county-level disease control institutions progressed smoothly. Following the principle that houses are for living in, not for speculation, we robustly developed affordable rental housing, raising 22,000 housing units (rooms) through multiple channels, and more than 600,000 households improved their housing conditions using their housing provident funds. The real estate market was generally healthy and stable. Cultural undertakings flourished with six heritage sites being included in the country’s 100 most important discoveries over the past one hundred years. Red Star Shines over Shaanxi and Gansu was listed as one of the documentaries on key revolutionary and historical themes for celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. The movie Liu Qing and the drama The Communist Manifesto were widely acclaimed. Fly Into Space, a concert by Xi'an Symphony Orchestra, had more than 100 million views when it was broadcast online for the first time. All the channels of Xi'an Broadcasting Corporation began broadcasting in high-definition. The campaign of “Safe Xi’an” continued to produce results, with the number of production safety accidents and the number of related deaths both declining.


      Last August, Lantian, Zhouzhi, and other areas suffered severe floods. We quickly adopted the measures of “withdrawing, sealing, controlling, stopping, and dredging” to urgently evacuate 130,000 people and allocated relief funds and disaster relief materials promptly to ensure the basic living conditions for the affected people. Post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction work was fully launched.


      viii. Fulfilling the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, we continued to enhance the government's overall competence. In-depth study and education of the Party’s history were carried out, and the campaign of “doing things that make a difference for the people” was solidly pushed forward. We earnestly addressed the problems pointed out by the Party Central Committee disciplinary inspectors, auditors, and environmental inspectors, as well as national statistical inspectors and the provincial Party committee’s disciplinary inspectors. Comprehensively pursuing the building of a government that upholds the rule of law, we welcomed the supervision of the Xi’an Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee and the democratic supervision of the Xi’an Municipal Committee of the CPPCC. We submitted six local regulations to the standing committee of the municipal people’s congress for deliberation, reported six normative documents, and handled 361 proposals made by deputies of the municipal people's congress and 711 proposals made by representatives of the Xi’an Municipal Committee of the CPPCC. We deepened the efforts to improve Party conduct, build a government of integrity, and fight corruption. The central Party leadership's eight-point decision on improving conduct, along with the detailed rules for its execution, was strictly obeyed, and the fight against such governance problems as laziness, slowness, and shoddiness reached a whole new level. The building of energy-saving government agencies was forcefully and effectively conducted. We actively supported the reform and development of national defense and the military and protected the legitimate rights and interests of veterans. Progress was made in our work related to national security, ethnic and religious groups, earthquake prevention and disaster risk reduction, welfare of women and children, auditing, statistics, archives, overseas Chinese affairs, meteorology, disabled persons, local chronicles, and supply and marketing cooperatives.


      Fellow Deputies,

      At the end of last year, confronting the severe situation of hidden coronavirus transmission chains at the community level, we conscientiously followed the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and resolutely executed the instructions of the working group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council and the provincial Party committee and provincial government. We vigorously promoted the great spirit of fighting Covid-19, heightened officials’ sense of responsibility, made decisions resolutely and promptly, and adopted a command system that tore down boundaries between government departments. As a result, the spillover channel of the outbreak was quickly blocked. On December 27, our epidemic control was upgraded: the control and prevention measures were tailored to the risk level of each area, multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing were carried out, and the process of contact tracing, transfer of at-risk/infected people, and their isolation was constantly optimized. The best medical resources were mobilized to treat Covid-19 patients as we pooled our resources in the decisive fight against the epidemic that took place in colleges and universities, shantytowns (“urban villages”), and isolation facilities. On January 10 of this year, all cases outside of quarantine locations were eliminated. On January 24, the whole city was downgraded to a low-risk area, which marked our hard-won victory over the outbreak. This is indeed an achievement that we must do our best to cherish.


      Fellow Deputies,

      During the five years since the first session of the 16th Municipal People's Congress, the people of the city have forged ahead, and the city has made great achievements in its development and reform. The goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-around way was achieved as planned, and solid steps were taken in the building of a national central city.


      Over the past five years, the city’s comprehensive strength has made a historic leap. The local GDP has reached one trillion yuan for the first time, posting an average annual growth rate of 6.4%. The total fiscal revenue exceeded 180 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 63% over 2016. The number of registered market entities reached just under 2.7 million, 3.6 times that of 2016. Ten industrial enterprises with an output value of over 10 billion yuan were cultivated, and five 100-billion-yuan industrial clusters formed in electronic information, automobile, aerospace, high-end equipment, and new materials and new energy. The total turnover of technology contracts reached 670 billion yuan, ranking first in sub-provincial cities. Over the past five years, 27 new listed companies were added, bringing the total to 89. There are more than 7,000 national high-tech enterprises in Xi’an, 4.6 times the number for 2016.


      Over the past five years, the city's overall strength and regional influence have achieved a remarkable leap forward. It was approved to develop into a national central city. The population of the city’s residents stands at 13 million, and the urbanization rate reaches 79.5%. A high-speed rail network resembling the Union Jack has mostly taken shape, and the construction of four main railway passenger stations and one auxiliary station has seen faster progress. The mileage of subways in operation has reached 259 kilometers, and the mileage under construction is 163 kilometers, which are 2.8 times and 1.4 times the figures of 2016, respectively. The Xixian New Area fully coming under the provisional administration of Xi’an marked an important breakthrough in the integration of Xi'an and Xianyang. Efforts have been made to set up physical entities and design long-term mechanisms for the coordination among the cities in the Guanzhong Plain city cluster. A cultural tourism cooperation alliance was founded for the cluster. The first batch of government service matters, 29 in number, became accessible in all the cities in the cluster, regardless of the province they belong to, a substantial step forward in coordinated regional development.


      Over the past five years, key breakthroughs have been achieved in reform and opening up. Government functions have been profoundly transformed, and significant progress has been made in building a government governed by the rule of law. The pilot program of comprehensive innovation and reform and the building of the national independent innovation demonstration zone have achieved fruitful results; the development momentum of the free trade pilot zone has been encouraging; the construction of the Belt and Road Comprehensive Pilot Zone was fully launched. The city was approved to become national land port-based and airport-based logistics hubs; the Chang’an freight train has made more than 11,000 trips; international routes link the city to 37 countries and regions around the world; the fifth freedom has been granted to the city. The total value of imports and exports in 2021 was 2.4 times that of 2016. Xi’an was elected as the co-chair city of the United Cities and Local Governments, and the number of its international sister cities has reached 37. Xi’an was named one of the 40 cities with the most successful economic development in the 40 years of reform and opening up.


      Over the past five years, the city’s ecological environment has seen fundamental improvement. Having learned from the lesson of the illegal construction in the Qinling Mountains, we established a long-term mechanism for the ecological protection of the area, which has produced significant results. The air quality has continued to improve, with the year 2021 recording 73 more days with excellent or good air quality than in 2016. Major ecological projects, such as the facelift of the moat and the Happiness Forest Belt, were completed and opened to the public. All the city’s major rivers are above the Grade V, the lowest level in water quality, and ecological restoration has been completed for 15,400 mu of surface water, some of the facts that made Xi’an a "national water-saving city." Nine waste treatment plants of various types have been built and put into operation. The Jiangcungou Landfill has been closed, and none of the domestic waste in the main urban area now ends up in a landfill.


      Over the past five years, people's living standards have improved in an all-around way. We won the battle against poverty as scheduled and opened a new chapter in rural revitalization. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 7.3% and 9.2%, respectively. A total of 665 schools were built, renovated, or expanded, providing 526,000 new school places. The number of beds at medical and health institutions grew by 23,000. The renovation of 2,008 old communities and 599 back streets and alleys was completed, 144 dead-end roads were opened, 581 “beautiful villages” were built, and the urban and rural living environment was greatly improved. The number of museums increased by 42 to 159. Two new 5A-level scenic spots brought the total to five. There are four national archaeological site parks in Xi’an, more than in any other city in the country.


      Fellow Deputies,

      The achievements made in the past five years are the result of the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, State Council, provincial Party committee, the provincial government and municipal Party committee, and the united efforts of everyone living in the city. On behalf of the municipal government, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the people of Xi’an, people's congress deputies, CPPCC representatives, all other political parties, people’s organizations and public figures from all sectors of society, the officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army, Armed Police Force, and fire rescue teams stationed in Xi'an, the central units stationed in Xi'an, and all Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan compatriots, overseas Chinese, and international friends who care about and support the development of Xi'an. In particular, I would like to express my sincere thanks and great respect to the warriors in white, public security officers, community workers, volunteers, and logistics workers for their role in the fight against Covid-19!


      At the same time, we are keenly aware that the development of Xi'an still faces many difficulties and challenges. Measured against the standards for a national central city, the city’s total economic volume is not large enough, and it’s not influential enough in terms of spurring growth in the region. Both its opening to the outside world and the development of its private sector are insufficient, with its small, medium, and micro enterprises facing various difficulties. There are still many shortcomings in areas concerning people's well-being such as education, medical care, pensions, and housing. In particular, the epidemic revealed a vulnerable foundation of society at the grassroots level, and there are many weak links in urban emergency management, the public health system, and community governance. A small number of officials have been exposed as not being responsible, practical, and capable enough. We will take forceful measures to effectively solve those problems and live up to the expectations of the people of the city.


      II. Development Goals and Key Tasks for the Next Five Years


      The next five years will be critical for the city to meet daunting challenges and make breakthroughs in its efforts to accelerate the building of a national central city and write a new chapter of high-quality development in its history. According to the arrangements of the 14th Municipal Party Congress, in the next five years, we will:

      * adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,

      * fully implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and all previous plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee,

      * thoroughly study and implement the important speeches and instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping while visiting Shaanxi,

      * carry forward the great founding spirit of the CPC,

      * adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability,

      * fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept,

      * integrate into and serve the new development pattern,

      * respond to Covid-19 and pursue economic and social development in a well-coordinated way,

      * ensure both development and security,

      * thoroughly carry out the “Five Requirements” and the “Five Solidly Performed Tasks,”

      * center our work around the “Six Future Roles for the City” (a western economic powerhouse driven by high-quality development, a leading national innovation city with strong momentum from new growth engines, a vibrant hinterland city striving for new heights in reform and opening up, a beautiful land where people and nature coexist in harmony, a world capital of culture that highlights Chinese civilization, and a great place to lead a happy life),

      * spare no efforts in carrying out the “Nine Key Tasks” (expanding pillar industries and improving the industrial chains, improving the Qinchuangyuan platform and innovation capabilities, increasing the comprehensive strength and influence of the city, optimizing the operation mechanism of the development zones, enhancing the city’s performance in urban development and management, as well as public services, improving the public health system and its emergency response capabilities, improving the quality of foreign trade and the level of opening to the outside world, improving the ecological environment, and carrying out rural revitalization to boost the level of integrated development of urban and rural areas),

      * free our minds regarding reform and innovation and diligently build on our past performance to write a new chapter of high-quality development in Xi'an.


      To achieve the goals and tasks specified by the municipal Party congress, the government will focus on the following eight aspects for making breakthroughs:


      We will focus on the city’s position in the country’s overall development and enhance the city’s strength and influence through new growth engines. Seizing such major strategic opportunities as the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, the formation of a new pattern in the development of the western region in the new era, and the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, we will correctly position the city, be clear about the direction of its development, and use its comparative advantages in building a new development pattern as we work to establish a national central city with a six-fold status (the economic center of west China, an international exchange center, a Silk Road science and technology innovation center, a hub of Silk Road culture, an inland leader in opening up, and a national comprehensive transport hub). We will build a modern Xi'an metropolitan area, vigorously further the integration of Xi'an and Xianyang, lead the coordinated and innovative development of the Guanzhong Plain city cluster, and continuously increase Xi’an’s positive influence on the development of Shaanxi and northwest China. The target of the local GDP is set at 1.5 trillion yuan.


      We will focus on the transformation and upgrading of the industrial system. The building of a city with a strong and modern advanced manufacturing industry with distinct characteristics will move forward at a faster rate to enhance the core competitiveness of its industry in all areas. The six pillar industries of electronic information, automobiles, aerospace, high-end equipment, new materials and new energy, and food and biomedicine will double their output value. The number of enterprises with an output value of more than 10 billion yuan will grow to 15, and the proportion of the added values of high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries in the local GDP will rise to 18% and 20%, respectively.


      We will focus on innovation as a driving force and forge and boost new engines for high-quality development. The coordinated and innovative development of the Qinchuangyuan “One Showpiece and Two Belts” will be sped up. The main role of enterprises in innovation will be further solidified, and more efforts will be directed toward breakthroughs in key technology. The local transfer and commercialization of achievements in science and technology will be facilitated. The number of listed technology-based companies will exceed 100, the total R&D investment will account for more than 5% of the local GDP, and the number of national high-tech enterprises will reach 12,000.


      We will focus on reform and opening up to stimulate new vitality to improve quality and efficiency. The reforms to streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services will be deepened, and a market-oriented, law-based, and international business environment will be created. We will robustly promote entrepreneurship and stimulate the vitality of the private sector. The China-Europe Railway Express (Xi'an) Assembly Center will be built to high standards, as will be an international trade channel with high efficiency, low cost, and excellent service in the inland area. Xi’an’s status as an important node of the Belt and Road Initiative and an international gateway and hub will become even more prominent, and its total import and export value will exceed 650 billion yuan.


      We will focus on green development and create a new image of Xi'an as being ecologically sustainable. Measures that are comprehensive, resolute, and effective will be adopted to protect the ecological environment of the Qinling Mountains, tackle the challenging task of air pollution prevention and control, and conduct the in-depth ecological protection and management of the Wei River Basin. We will work towards carbon peak and carbon neutralization in an orderly manner, vigorously develop a circular economy, advocate green production and lifestyle, and reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 13%.


      We will focus on the role of culture in making Xi’an a great city, highlighting the new charm of urban culture. The protection of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage will be solidly carried out, while innovative utilization of historical and cultural resources and exciting ways of their display will be sought to add contemporary luster to an ancient capital for more than 1,000 years. We will push for the in-depth integration of culture and tourism, continuously enrich the cultural products the government supplies to the public, encourage cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and create a world-class tourism destination that showcases Chinese culture. The added value of the cultural tourism industry will rise to 18% of the city’s GDP.


      We will focus on common prosperity and the well-being of Xi’an citizens. The principle of creating jobs through economic development will continue to guide us, and a steady increase in the income of urban and rural residents will be pursued. We will increase the high-quality supply of public services such as education, medical care, transportation, and housing, improve the multi-level social security system, and better meet the needs of “kids and grandparents.” We will attach even more importance to food security and ensure stable production and supply of important agricultural products, strive for rural revitalization in an all-around way, enhance the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.


      We will focus on good governance and build a new model of urban governance. The modernization of the urban governance system and governance capacity will take on greater urgency, and the building of a government and society based on the rule of law will be more thoroughly conducted. We will further solidify the guiding role of Party building, consolidate the grassroots foundation, and realize a social governance model based on collaboration, participation, and common interests. We will improve the city’s level of public safety, production safety, and food and drug safety, as well as its response to major public health emergencies, as we build a resilient and safe city.


      Fellow Deputies,

      The new journey of comprehensively accelerating the building of Xi'an as a national central city has begun. The clarion call of striving to write a new chapter of high-quality development has sounded. As long as we stick to our goals and do not let up, stay committed to our cause, and work tirelessly to achieve concrete results, Xi'an's ambitious blueprint for high-quality development and its people's desire for a happy life will surely come true!


      III. The Projected Targets and Priorities for 2022


      As the year when the 20th CPC National Congress will be held, 2022 is critical for the 14th Five-Year Plan. It is also an important year for breaking new ground in building Xi'an as a national central city and writing a new chapter in its high-quality development. Therefore, there is no margin for error in this year’s work.


      All indicators point to a more complex and challenging environment for our city’s development: the Covid-19 epidemic remains the biggest factor of uncertainty, and the macroeconomic development is facing the triple pressures of demand contraction, supply shocks, and weakening expectations. As a result, there will be more risks and challenges either predictable or hard to foresee. Still, it should be pointed out that Xi’an is well-endowed with resources and enjoys great advantages due to its location, solid industrial foundation, and prowess in scientific and technological innovation. Therefore, there is strong resilience, great potential, and promising prospects for its economic development. Particularly, a series of major strategies, regulations, and work plans from the central government is taking effect and presents great opportunities for us. We must be unwavering in our confidence and stay the course despite the challenges to the city’s development. We must be firm in following the important speeches and instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping while visiting Shaanxi as the guidance to our overall work, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, and adhere to delivering stability and pursuing progress, with emphasis on stability. We will continue to conscientiously carry out “Stabilizing Six Fronts,” “Maintaining Security in Six Areas,” and the “Nine Key Tasks” listed by the municipal Party committee. With heightened dedication and a more pragmatic approach to our work and an improved work style, we are determined to do our part in setting the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress by completing our various goals and tasks with excellent results.


      The main projected targets of the city's economic and social development this year are as follows: the city’s GDP increasing by about 7%, the added value of industries above the designated size growing by about 8%, the investment in fixed assets increasing by about 8%, the total retail sales of consumer goods increasing by about 8%, the general public budget revenue rising by more than 6%, the per capita disposable income of urban residents increasing by about 7%, the growth rate of the per capita disposable income of rural residents becoming 1.2% higher than that of urban residents, the surveyed urban unemployment rate kept within 5.5%, the increase in the consumer price index kept within about 3%, and reduction in the total emission of major pollutants meeting the goals set by the provincial government. The economic growth target of about 7% and its various supporting objectives not only meet the overall requirements of the central and provincial governments but also fit the actual development needs of our city. The decision takes into account not only quality and speed but also what the city needs and what is achievable. Those targets reflect both the requirement for high-quality development and the responsibility of Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi, to support the development of the whole province. Since those are not easy targets to meet, we must raise the bar, instill more urgency into our work, and focus on making solid progress in all our tasks to achieve the best possible results with our best efforts.


      The priorities of this year’s work are:


      i. Comprehensively improving the city’s overall strength and influence to enhance its role in powering regional development


      We will optimize the urban layout. The territorial space planning system of “Three Levels and Three Categories” (city, county, and township levels and the categories of overall planning, special planning, and detailed planning) will be refined, and the overall plan of the territorial space will be completed. The development strategy of “controlled development in the south, crossing the Wei River in the north, deeper integration in the west, expansion of functions in the east, and optimizing the central urban area” for Greater Xi’an comprising Xi'an, Xianyang, Weinan, Yangling, and the Xixian New Area will be earnestly realized for an ecological space arrangement marked by a well-planned density of buildings in urban spaces, efficient production spaces, highly livable living spaces, and pollution-free ecological spaces, which will provide both room and resilience to the city’s sustainable development. We will strengthen the regulation of territorial space use, establish a mechanism to create and protect blank and green spaces, and delineate and enforce the red lines for the protection of permanent basic farmland and the environment, the boundaries for urban development, and the control line for the protection of historical and cultural sites. We will carry out the strategy of functional zoning, boost the efficient agglomeration-driven development of urbanized areas, support the main agricultural production areas to enhance their agricultural production capacity, ensure a gradual and orderly migration from ecological functional areas, and push forward the organic integration of historical and cultural heritage sites and urban spaces.


      We will continue to improve the comprehensive carrying capacity of the city. The construction of an international comprehensive transport hub will be accelerated, and the construction of Xi'an East Railway Station will officially start. We will speed up the construction of such major projects as the Xi’an-Yan’an, Xi’an-Ankang, and Xi’an-Shiyan high-speed rail, the third phase of Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, the renovation and expansion of the Beijing-Kunming Expressway, and the Xi'an section of National Highway 210. We will start the preliminary work on the city beltway and complete the Lantian General Airport and the southern section of the outer ring expressway by the end of the year. To improve water supply capacity, we will advance key water supply projects such as the second phase of the diversion project from the Han to Wei River and the diversion project from the Lanqiao River to Lijiahe Reservoir, start the construction of the first phase of the Ziwu Water Plant and the Bahe Water Plant, and complete the second stage of the first phase of the Nanjiao Water Plant, adding a daily water supply capacity of 200,000 tons. The protection of water sources and water quality testing will be strengthened to ensure drinking water safety. Seizing on the momentum of establishing the city as an international consumption center, we will improve the quality of core business districts such as the Bell Tower-the South Gate and Xiaozhai-the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda areas and characteristic business districts such as the Datang Sleepless City/Great Tang All Day Mall and the Yisushe cultural block. Such key commercial and trade projects as the IKEA Shopping Center and the Silk Road International Trade Center will be advanced, as will be the convenience circles of goods and services within 15 minutes of walking from communities. We will spur the innovative development of Xi'an’s time-honored brands in our bid to enrich and enhance the reputation of Xi’an as an internationally renowned city of gastronomy. We will foster the first-store economy, night economy, and duty-free economy and actively cultivate new forms, models, and trends of consumption to drive consumption upgrades.


      We will play a leading role in promoting regional coordinated development. The construction of the Xi'an metropolitan area will be accelerated, and the integration of Xi'an and Xianyang will be advanced by improving the joint meeting system and encouraging integrated development in urban and rural planning, innovation-driven growth, industrial development, infrastructure, ecological governance, public services, and social security. We will speed up the construction of such interconnection infrastructure projects as Metro Line 16, the third phase of Metro Line 1, the retrofitting of the Xi’an-Yuxia Railway for passenger trains, and 16 artery roads. We will earnestly step up the development across the Wei River, improve the road connection between the main urban area and the Weibei Industrial Zone, bring more urgency to the construction of Metro Line 10, start preliminary work on the Xi’an-Yanliang Expressway, and enhance the coordinated industrial layout, transport link, and in-depth integration across the Wei River. The construction of rail transit linking the main urban area, Yanliang, and Fuping will be advanced to substantially boost the integration of Xi’an and Weinan. The Regional Cooperation Office of the Guanzhong Plain City Cluster will fully play its role in encouraging the regular exchanges and cooperation among the cities of the cluster.


      ii. Improving the quality of the industrial chains and accelerating the building of a city strong in advanced manufacturing


      We will carry out the in-depth adoption of the “chain chief system.” The establishment of new mechanisms for chain-based development, innovation, investment promotion, and services will be given new impetus. Targeting the 19 key industrial chains, we will cultivate and expand several "chain-leader" enterprises and “hidden champions” worth more than 100 billion and 10 billion yuan, carry out in-depth reengineering of the industrial infrastructure to advance its level of sophistication and the modernization of the industrial chains. We will conduct targeted, tiered cultivation of supporting enterprises and guide various enterprises in key industrial chains to undertake intelligent, green, and digital transformation and upgrading to build a competitive industrial ecology.


      We will grow the city’s pillar industries to make them highly competitive players. Highly competitive enterprises will be cultivated in distinctive industries, and those enterprises will in turn drive industrial upgrading. We will expand five 100-billion-yuan industrial clusters and take the first step of the twofold growth plan with a growth rate of no less than double digits. We will earnestly carry out the construction of high-quality projects, especially the 897 municipal key projects, and accelerate the construction of BYD’s new energy automobile industrial base, LONGi’s high-efficiency monocrystalline battery plant, China XD Group’s smart industrial park, the Aerospace Power Industrial Park, and Skyworth’s smart electronics production base. The annual investment in such key projects will exceed 500 billion yuan. More than 130 manufacturing enterprises above the designated size will emerge, and the total output value of advanced manufacturing enterprises above the designated size will increase by 15%.


      We will stimulate the integrated development of industries. Investment in new infrastructure such as 5G networks, new-generation Internet, and charging piles will continue to grow. We will strive to cultivate or attract leading digital economy companies and industrial Internet platform companies to Xi’an for the integrated development of the digital economy and the real economy. The digital transformation of key industries will continue. We will diligently promote the Shaangu Model marked by the transformation from traditional manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing to propel a deep integration of modern service industries and advanced manufacturing industries. Tapping into the rich resources at AVIC The First Aircraft Institute, China Railway First Survey and Design Institute, China National Heavy Machinery Research Institute, and China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute, among others, we will robustly develop the design industry and build a global design capital.


      We will actively carry out industrial investment promotion. Through thinking like investment bankers, we will conduct the preliminary work exhaustively to ensure only the best projects are approved. A group of the industrial chain leading businesses, “l(fā)ittle giants,” and specialized, well-managed, distinctive, and innovative enterprises will be cultivated or brought into Xi’an. We will greenlight major projects that are truly impactful, environmentally friendly, and innovative to sustain industrial development. We will continue to organize the investment promotion campaign "Meeting New Xi'an" and hold supporting expositions under the framework of the Euro-Asia Economic Forum. We will remain prudent in making promises and serious about keeping them, integrate full-cycle services into all aspects of project execution, and help realize quick signing of projects under negotiation, quick start of contracted projects, and quick results for projects started. We aim to attract domestic investment of more than 350 billion yuan and achieve an increase of 15% in utilized foreign investment in 2022.


      iii. Tapping into the platform effect of Qinchuangyuan and achieving major results in innovative development


      We will deliver on building outstanding innovation platforms. We will push forward the coordinated development of the Qinchuangyuan “One Showpiece and Two Belts,” conscientiously perform our job concerning pilot demonstrations such as the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, the National New-Generation AI Innovation & Development Pilot Zone, and the Hard Technology Innovation Demonstration Zone. The construction of such platform industrial parks as the Silk Road Software City in the Hi-tech Industries Development Zone, the hard technology town Western Cloud Valley, and the Honor Tech Park in Xi'an National Civil Aerospace Industrial Base will be accelerated. Support will be given to 60 distinct demonstration platforms, including incubators that focus on coordinating such factors as research, talent, and government policies to boost technological innovation, accelerators for the transfer and commercialization of research results, and boosters for the integration of the industrial chain and innovation chain. We aim to have 40 innovation platforms identified as innovation consortia, generic technology R&D platforms, and new R&D institutions above the municipal level. For breakthroughs in key core technologies, we will invite qualified innovative entities to submit their feasibility reports and fund the selected entity for the research in question. We will support universities and leading enterprises to carry out collaborative research around generic technologies and "stranglehold problems" in the city's key industrial chains and facilitate local transfer and commercialization of research results in more than 500 projects. We will speed up the construction of major national science and technology infrastructure projects, actively enable the Shaanxi Laboratory of Aerospace Power to become a national laboratory, and support the construction and operation of innovation platforms such as the National Supercomputing (Xi'an) Center, the Rare Metal Materials Innovation Center, and the Beilin universities hard technology innovation block. We will utilize Xi’an’s offshore innovation base to actively conduct international scientific and technological cooperation.


      We will diligently foster innovation entities. Based on the tiered growth path from micro-enterprises to small enterprises, enterprises above the designated size, and at last publicly listed enterprises, we will carry out the plan to double the number of innovative enterprises, promote the research results transfer and commercialization model of Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS and the Northwest Institute for Non-ferrous Metal Research, and support and guide scientific researchers and teams to lead or set up enterprises. Focusing on the planning and layout of leading industries, strategic emerging industries, and future industries, we will improve the whole-chain incubation system of "crowd-sourcing space + incubator + accelerator + industrial park" and build a group of innovation and entrepreneurship enablers that are oriented to regional needs, university-based incubators, supported by research institutes, and led by enterprises to boost the incubation of companies geared towards science and technology innovation. By the end of the year, the net increase in the number of national high-tech enterprises will be 1,700, more than 10,000 companies will pass the evaluation and become national small and mid-sized science and technology enterprises, 100 gazelle companies will be fostered, and more than 200 companies will be set up as a result of the transfer and commercialization of research results in the Xixian New Area.


      We will create a first-class innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. A 10-billion-yuan fund for investment in innovation will be set up, such government guiding funds as the Xi’an sub-fund of the National SME Development Fund, the Qinchuangyuan Seed Fund, and the Greater Xi’an Industrial Fund will be fully utilized, and leading enterprises, universities, research institutes, and the private sector will be encouraged to launch seed funds, angel funds, and growth funds. We will promote such credit products as technology transaction credit loans and intangible asset pledge loans, as well as supporting guarantee institutions to increase credit for science and technology innovation enterprises. We will cultivate and expand the three teams of technology brokers (technology managers), scientists + engineers, and innovative entrepreneurs and cultivate a total of 150 technology transfer institutions above the municipal level. The city's technology contract turnover will exceed 220 billion yuan. The construction of the Qinchuangyuan global roadshow center will proceed more urgently, and the Global Hard & Core Technology Conference, the Global Venture Capital Summit, and the campaign “Innovation Xi’an” are scheduled for this year. We will step up the building of Xi’an into a key city in the national intellectual property operation and service system and improve our performance in intellectual property creation, protection, utilization, management, and service.


      iv. Optimizing the business environment and focusing on building an inland hub for reform and opening up


      We will continue to deepen the reforms to streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services. To ensure no administrative approval will be required outside the list of approval items, the reform of relatively centralized administrative licensing power will be further carried out, and the one-stop integrated access to government services will be improved. We will redouble supervision by the government, with industry authorities fulfilling their supervisory responsibilities, and prevent the absence of supervision. The government will go digital at a faster pace with more than 80% of the whole city's administrative services being processed online. We will carry on with the in-depth reform of the approval system in construction and the comprehensive reform to increase output per unit of production factor. The government will pour more effort into the reform that requires it to take over from the transferee of land use rights the duty of land resources evaluation and survey and perform it before the transfer of the land rather than after it, and the reform aimed at delivering the real estate ownership certificate during house closing will push ahead at a faster rate. We will fully enforce various measures of tax and fee reduction, and related policies that benefit businesses and the residents will be accessible without application.


      We will deepen the reform in key areas. We will straighten out the management mechanism of the development zones, adjusting and optimizing their management structures to gradually remove their duties of social affairs management and realize the corporate management and market-oriented operation of the zones. Highlighting efficiency and result-oriented thinking, a differentiated assessment and incentive mechanism will be rolled out for those zones. To achieve the final victory in the three-year reform of SOEs and state-owned assets, we will carry out in-depth local comprehensive pilot reform of state-owned assets and SOEs, move forward the professional restructuring and integration of municipal SOEs, and improve the state-owned assets supervision system. The private sector will receive even more support, administrative approval items and enterprise-related fees related to private investment management will be further reduced, and more efforts will be made to clear up debts owed to private enterprises by the government and SOEs.


      We will build a healthy ecology of finance. Effective financial support for the real economy will be boosted, monetary policy tools will be well used, and the scale of new loans will be expanded. In-depth execution of the Dragon Gate Action Plan for corporate listing will be carried out to help 12 companies go public this year. We will vigorously further the development of the equity investment industry, increase the proportion of direct financing, and create a competitive investment hub. The coverage of inclusive finance will expand so that market entities can enjoy concrete benefits brought by the improvement in financing convenience and the reduction in financing costs. The gathering of financial elements in Xi’an will progress at a faster pace, and the city will make active efforts to create a national pilot zone of financial service for science and technology reform and innovation and continue to conduct the pilot scheme for the use of the digital renminbi. We will guide the establishment of the Anti-epidemic Recovery and Development Fund of no less than five billion yuan, increase the scale effect of the Small and Micro Enterprise Financing Guarantee and Credit Enhancement Fund of two billion yuan, and support the recovery and development of enterprises that are greatly affected by the epidemic. Local financial organizations will be subject to greater supervision for the prevention and resolution of financial risks, for our bottom line is that no local financial risks must occur.


      We will raise the level of institutional openness. Measured against the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) and other international economic and trade rules, we will give full play to Xi’an’s comprehensive advantages in industry, science and technology, exhibition organization, culture, and location, explore for more institutional innovation achievements, and facilitate high-level opening and high-quality development of the China (Shaanxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Relying on such open platforms as the National Processing Trade Industrial Park, the Import Trade Promotion and Innovation Demonstration Zone, and the Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone, we will help major companies such as Samsung and Micron take a leading role and support Shaanxi Automobile Group, LONGi Solar, Shaanxi Fast Auto Drive Group, Xi’an Aiju Grain and Oil Industrial Group, and other local competitive companies go global. We will actively explore the development of new foreign trade formats and models such as overseas warehouses, bonded maintenance, and offshore trade. The innovative development of service trade will be comprehensively deepened to enhance its level of openness and international competitiveness. We will continue the construction of the Belt and Road Demonstration Zone for International Commercial Legal Services, building it into an international arbitration center. The target of total import and export volume for this year is 480 billion yuan, an increase of more than 10%.


      The construction of the China-Europe Railway Express (Xi'an) Assembly Center will progress at a faster pace. To realize the integration of port, industry, and city, we will carry out further capacity expansion and optimization of Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park. We will improve the functionality of smart ports, enforce the pilot tax refund policy for land ports of departure, speed up the second phase of the digital financial integrated service platform, and deepen the reform of customs clearance facilitation. Multimodal transport will be actively expanded, and the operation of the Chang'an freight train will be continuously improved. We will further extend the model of Chang’an + domestic and overseas city ports, adding more routes to Western Europe and cultivating eastbound routes with Japan and South Korea as the focuses, to integrate Xi’an more deeply into the global port and shipping system and logistics network. We will promote the coordinated development of land ports and airports, build a national-level airport economic demonstration zone, and build an important hub and distribution center for the Belt and Road Initiative.


      v. Improving granular management of the city and building a more resilient and more livable city


      We will make thorough efforts to redress shortcomings in urban infrastructure. Infrastructure investment will be reasonably brought forward to accelerate the improvement of the urban road network, pipeline network, and power grid, among others. The construction of Metro Line 7 will continue smoothly, and the second phase of Metro Line 6 will be put into trial operation before the end of the year. The capacity expansion and upgrading project of the Second and Third Ring Roads will be conducted, expressway projects such as the north extension of Beichen Avenue, Xihu Road, and Donglin Road will be underway, and the coordinated connection of subways, buses, expressways, and urban slow traffic zones will be advanced. We will accelerate the building of Xi’an into a sponge city and push forward the networking of underground utility tunnels. Following the principle of "same city, same network," we will step up the coordinated construction of emergency peak-shaving facilities for the government and urban gas companies and accelerate the progress of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) emergency reserve peak-shaving project. Efforts will be concentrated on the construction of 65 substations and auxiliary tunnels to ensure an on-schedule start of their operation. The annual urban construction investment will exceed 110 billion yuan.


      We will further an organic urban renewal in an orderly manner. Following the principle of "the government playing a leading role, scientific planning, focusing on priorities, avoiding overreach, and preventing risks," we will steadily and orderly step up the renovation of old communities, old factories, old blocks, and shantytowns and focus on dealing with potential risks in infrastructure, public services, fire protection, and public health. We will thoroughly conduct ecological and urban restoration, coordinating ecological protection and historical and cultural inheritance to make culture an integral part of the city. The renovation of such key areas as the surrounding areas of the Happy Forest Belt and the Sajin Bridge will get underway. The outlook of the city will be constantly enhanced with the demolition campaign of illegal buildings.


      We will comprehensively improve grassroots governance capacity. We will promote the Fengqiao model in promoting social harmony in the new era, enhance urban and rural community (village) governance, consolidate grassroots governance forces, and improve social governance in shantytowns and rural-urban fringe zones. Dedicated efforts will be made to solve salient problems in the property management industry and improve the performance of property management service providers. The management of parking and traffic order will be improved, particularly the traffic order around hospitals, schools, and scenic spots. We will step up the building of a comprehensive command center for the management of a new smart city and start building a transportation emergency support and coordinated dispatch platform to make the city smarter, more efficient, and safer. We will redouble the effort to build public legal service centers at the city, district/county, and street/town levels and support the healthy development of non-governmental organizations and volunteer services.


      vi. Stimulating cultural development with heightened effort and enhancing the city's soft power and its residents’ sense of belonging


      Protection of cultural relics will remain a priority. We will give more support to archaeological investigation and research, contribute to the project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization with research at such sites as the Taiping village, and speed up the construction of archaeological research bases and warehouses for cultural relics protection. We will do more to protect and manage Xi’an’s UNESCO world heritage sites, including the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, the Site of Weiyang Palace in Chang’an City of the Western Han Dynasty, and the Daming Palace Site, to make Xi’an a model for world cultural heritage protection. The layout of the city’s museums will be optimized, the building of smart museums will be pushed forward, and the protection and inheritance of revolutionary relics will be improved with the launching of a themed protection and exhibition initiative for such relics to make their exhibition more exciting. Strict anti-crime measures will be solidly enforced to ensure the safety of cultural relics.


      We will deepen the integrated development of culture and tourism. Efforts will be redoubled to build Xi’an as a national culture and tourism consumption pilot city, forge ahead with the agglomeration-based development of the cultural tourism industry, and increase the number of cultural industry demonstration parks (bases) above the municipal level to 150. We will continue to enhance the influence of such well-known cultural shows as The Song of Everlasting Sorrow, Chang’an Impression, Camel Bell Legend, and The Romantic Show of Xi’an and make the city a capital of performing arts. We will step up the construction of such major cultural tourism projects as the Beilin (forest of steles) historic and cultural block, the Small Wild Goose Pagoda Historic and Cultural Area, and the Terracotta Army Cultural Tourism Resort. The “Slow Down to Relish Xi’an” sight-seeing bus will be launched, distinct nighttime destinations including Beiyuanmen Pedestrian Street, Jiahuifang block, and Yongningmen will be further developed, and the quality of such cultural innovation clusters as the Tang West Market and the Xi’an Film Studio Experience Center for Arts and Film will be improved. The “one core, two corridors, and six sections” layout for integrated development of culture and tourism will be realized as planned.


      We will do more to facilitate cultural exchanges and mutual learning. We plan to host high-level conferences and expos and enhance the influence of such signature events as the West China Culture Industries Expo, Silk Road International Film Festival, Xi'an International Music Festival, Shaanxi Xi'an International Drama Festival, and Xi'an International Dance Festival. We will make full use of the Cultural Capital of East Asia and other international exchange platforms, give full play to the connecting role of United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific Tourism Committee, and deepen exchanges and cooperation with cities along the Belt and Road in cultural tourism, archaeology of cultural relics, and historical research.


      We will continue to increase the people’s sense of gain in cultural matters. We will increase the supply of public cultural products and services, hold the 9th Qinqiang Opera Art Festival, arrange for the Xi'an Symphony Orchestra to perform at the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, hold such mass cultural events as the “Red May” Concert, and organize performances at highly affordable prices for the public. New products such as Looking for Liu Wenxi and Untroubled is the Land will meet the cultural needs of the people. We will build Xi’an as a national sports consumption pilot city at a faster rate, pour more effort into the post-event operation and management of venues for the 14th National Games, hold the 17th Xi'an Games, and create a national comprehensive sports training base. We will speed up the construction of the Xi'an International Football Center and actively prepare to co-host the AFC Asian Cup China 2023.


      vii. Comprehensively advancing rural revitalization and accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas


      We will make every effort to ensure food security and the production and supply of important agricultural products. We will resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for food security and strictly evaluate officials in their food security performance. We will produce high-quality grains in environmentally friendly and efficient ways, step up the creation of high-standard farmland, resolutely stop any attempt to use farmland for purposes other than agriculture and specifically grain production, and ensure the stability of the grain acreage and total grain output. We will further enrich the "vegetable basket" of the people, actively develop and improve the growth of facility-cultivated vegetables, keep hog production stable, accelerate the planning and construction of the Weibei Agricultural Products Logistics City, and ensure the stable production and supply of important agricultural products such as vegetables, meat, eggs, and milk. Food security education will be intensified, and sweeping food conservation and anti-waste campaigns will be launched.


      We will vigorously develop modern urban agriculture. The structural reform of the agricultural supply side will deepen, and the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas will be pushed forward. We will support enterprises that play a leading role in agricultural industrialization to become even bigger and stronger and continue to move forward the building of characteristic industrial clusters and modern agricultural industrial parks. The trial on whole-process quality control of distinct agricultural products of national fame, such as the pomegranates produced in Lintong and the kiwifruits produced in Zhouzhi, will be pushed forward and more efforts will be made on the prevention and control of major animal and plant diseases and pests. We will foster and expand professional farmers' cooperatives, family farms, and the rank of well-trained farmers and develop appropriately scaled farming operations. The development of smart farming will receive more impetus.


      We will consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation in an all-around way. We will conscientiously identify and fill in the gaps in our work against the standards of the national evaluation for work following the consolidation of poverty alleviation achievements, strictly follow the requirement to keep being responsible for the people’s wellbeing, keep necessary anti-poverty policies, assistance, and supervision in place, and maintain the consistency of the main assistance policies. The dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism against the reemergence of poverty will be improved, follow-up support for people who have been relocated from inhospitable areas will be increased, and the progress made in ensuring people's access to sufficient food and clothing, compulsory education, basic health care, basic housing, and safe drinking water will be consolidated. Our objective is to ensure that people do not return to impoverishment or become impoverished for the first time in large numbers. The “10,000 Private Enterprises Revitalizing 10,000 Villages" initiative will be launched, the collaboration between Taicang and Zhouzhi will be deepened, and areas lifted out of poverty will receive support to develop characteristic industries that bring people prosperity and community factories according to local conditions so that they will have greater self-reliance for development.


      We will step up in-depth rural development. Coordinated improvements will be made in infrastructure and public service of towns and villages. The five-year action plan to improve the rural living environment will continue, advancing the improvement of rural toilets based on the actual needs of farmers, carrying out in-depth treatment of black and odorous water bodies in rural areas, strengthening the protection and utilization of traditional villages, and fully tapping into the historical, cultural, and natural resources of villages. We aim to create 11 municipal-level demonstration “beautiful villages.”


      We will stimulate economic development in counties. Taking the counties as the breakthrough point for the integrated development of urban and rural areas, we will support the key counties (Zhouzhi and Lantian) for assistance in rural revitalization to develop and expand their economy based on local conditions and continuously improve the integrity and coordination of county development. We will push forward a new type of urbanization with the county seat as the focus, supporting the spatial planning of the county seat and the installation of auxiliary municipal facilities, vigorously improving the county seat’s public service capabilities in education and medical care, among others, propelling the concentration of high school education in the county seat, and doubling down on the construction of county-level business systems. The provincial “One County, One Policy” list of items and the “One County, One Industry” action plan will be executed, and clusters of county primary industries will be created. We will redouble the efforts to build the rural-urban fringe zone in the Xixian New Area, Gaoling, and Yanliang, all part of a national urban-rural integration pilot zone. We will further the reform of turning resources into assets, turning money into stock shares, and turning farmers into shareholders, continue to expand the rural collective economy, and broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income as we strive to increase the quality of life in rural areas.


      viii. Focusing on green development and continuously improving the quality of the ecological environment


      We will make more efforts to protect the ecology of the Qinling Mountains. Regulations and planning for environmental protection of the Qinling Mountains will be strictly followed, results in the rehabilitation of valley roads and valley openings will be consolidated, the protection and control of the use of ecological functional areas will be strengthened, the comprehensive ecological management of mountains, water bodies, forests, fields, lakes, grass, and sand will make new progress, and the ecological compensation mechanism will be improved. Actively participating in the creation of the Qinling Mountains National Park and the Giant Panda National Park, we will establish and improve a nature conservation system with national parks as the main body, nature reserves as the foundation, and various natural parks as supplements.


      We will deliver on tackling the tough challenge of pollution prevention and control. The problems listed in the feedback from the second round of the central and provincial-level ecological and environmental inspection will be seriously dealt with. We will launch special campaigns for air pollution control, actively participate in the joint prevention and control of air pollution in the Fenwei Plain and central Shaanxi, and enhance the emergency response to heavy pollution. The building of three bases and one center for resource recycling will be pushed forward, and the disposal capacity of solid waste such as domestic waste, construction waste, and medical waste will be increased. We will promote the building of a water-saving city, improve the flood control and disaster reduction system in the river basin, and build and renovate nine sewage and sludge treatment plants with a sludge disposal capacity of 2,800 tons per day, which will enable same-day treatment of the sludge occurring that day. Soil pollution prevention and control initiatives will be unveiled, and the supervision measures will be deployed at an earlier stage of the preventive process to better forestall pollution risks.


      We will make new progress in green, low-carbon, and circular development. The "Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Peak Xi'an Action” will be launched, and projects and production capacity with high pollution and high energy consumption will be resolutely curbed. We will vigorously popularize new energy vehicles, speed up the construction of charging facilities, and build 30 public (special) charging stations. Energy-efficient buildings and green buildings will be promoted, and green building standards will be applied to all new urban buildings, no less than 30% of which will be prefabricated buildings. We will actively support the Xixian New Area to join the national climate investment and financing pilot project.


      ix. Striving to improve people’s wellbeing and quality of life by addressing the issues they most care about


      We will keep prioritizing employment and income increase. Targeted employment assistance, support in starting businesses, and skill training will be provided. Earnestly pursuing high-quality employment for key groups such as college graduates, ex-service members, migrant workers, and urban people in difficulties, we will create 145,000 new urban jobs. We will support the development of new forms of employment and safeguard the rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment. We will expand the channels for increasing the income of urban and rural residents, actively support the growth of public welfare and charity undertakings, gradually narrow the income gap, and make steady progress in the direction of common prosperity.


      We will strive to make education meet the public’s expectations. We will continue to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for young students and fully carry out the curriculum reform of regular high schools and the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination. A total of 116 schools will be built, renovated, or expanded, providing 105,000 new school places. We will aim for new progress in the initiative to pair prestigious schools with those with great potential to help the latter improve, continue to intensify the efforts to transform and upgrade inferior schools, and pursue the balanced development of basic education. The development of universal and inclusive pre-school education will proceed at a faster rate, and the work to make sure secondary vocational schools meet basic standards will be carried on. We will build a smart education platform and create 40 municipal-level smart campuses. The upgrading and development of Xi'an University will receive government support.


      We will build a healthy Xi'an that meets high standards. We will optimize the medical service system, support tertiary hospitals offering assistance to or managing district and county hospitals and community health service centers, and create tightly connected medical alliances so that people can enjoy high-quality medical services near where they live. Centralized procurement of medicines and medical consumables will be regulated on an ongoing basis to further reduce the burden of medical treatment on the patients. We will promote the inheritance, innovation, and development of traditional Chinese medicine. Policies encouraging a couple to have a third child will be enforced, and the city will be built into a national model city for infant care.


      We will follow the principle that houses are for living in, not for speculation. We will encourage both housing rentals and purchases, move faster to develop the long-term rental market, double down on the construction of government-subsidized housing, and support the commodity housing market in better meeting the reasonable needs of homebuyers. We will focus on keeping land costs, housing prices, and market expectations stable in our efforts to facilitate positive circulation and sound development in the real estate sector. The pilot rental housing program will continue, and the supply of rental housing will be significantly expanded with 88,000 units (rooms) of affordable rental housing by the end of this year.


      We will improve social security and services. The universal insurance plan will continue to be promoted, the phased reduction in unemployment and work-related injury insurance premiums will proceed, and the level of social insurance benefits will be steadily improved. We will see that service members and their families, ex-service members, and other groups receive the benefits and subsidies they are entitled to. We will redouble our efforts to develop elderly care services, support the building of elderly care facilities at the district (county), street (town), and community (village) levels, optimize the supply of elderly care services in urban and rural areas, encourage the private sector to play a role in urban and rural elderly care, and work faster to build a system of domestic, community, and institutional elderly care services to meet different medical and health care needs. We will protect the legitimate rights and interests of women, minors, and the disabled, ensure people's basic livelihood, and help those in need. We will do our best so none falls through the cracks. We will also actively involve ourselves in post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction.


      x. Making solid efforts to ensure both security and development and earnestly building a national demonstration city of security and development


      We will build a strong public health system. We will stick to the prevention of inbound cases and domestic resurgences as we follow the dynamic zero-Covid approach, ensure all parties fulfill their Covid-prevention responsibilities, effectively enforce early detection, reporting, quarantine, and treatment of cases, cope with outbreaks in a scientific and targeted manner, and constantly improve the effectiveness of routine Covid-19 control. A mechanism for elevating routine epidemic prevention and control into emergency response will be set up, the early warning, prevention and control, contact tracing, testing, medical treatment, and quarantine sites of major epidemics and a system to ensure anti-epidemic supplies will be improved, and the in-depth integration for epidemic prevention and control of the government departments of public health, public security, and industry and information technology will be advanced. We will improve the disease prevention and control system, the coordination mechanism for analysis, evaluation, decision-making, and prevention and control of major public health risks, and our capabilities of early detection, warning, and monitoring. We will double down on the prevention and control of public health risks in rural areas and communities, making them a strong first line of defense. We will improve the emergency response mechanism for major epidemics, establish and improve a centralized, unified, and efficient emergency command system, and enhance the reserve and reliability of production capacity of important materials that can be dispatched, delivered, and used at critical moments. The treatment system for major epidemics will be optimized, and the building and development of municipal-level key hospitals, treatment bases, infectious disease hospitals for both regular needs and emergency response, and district and county disease control centers will be pushed forward. We will build a hierarchical, tiered, and triage-based infectious disease treatment network. The construction of the new section of the Xi’an Center for Disease Prevention and Control will be completed within the year. The city's daily nucleic acid testing capacity will reach two million samples. We will do more to train public health personnel and set up disease control and health emergency response training bases to enhance the professionalism of the city’s medical workers.


      We will work unremittingly to maintain public safety. The building of a pilot national comprehensive monitoring and early warning platform for urban safety risks will be advanced. We will take solid steps to identify and rectify potential gas safety hazards in urban areas, persistently strengthen safety supervision in key areas such as hazardous chemicals, road traffic, and construction, and resolutely prevent major accidents. The achievements in building Xi’an into a food safety demonstration city will be consolidated by improving the food and drug traceability system driven by information technology and the food and drug safety emergency response system. The city’s emergency response capabilities will be boosted with the launching of an emergency management system that smoothly coordinates all aspects of emergency response and an improved risk assessment, monitoring and early warning, and emergency response mechanism. We will do more to make sure the emergency response plan meets relevant standards, improve the emergency command system, and set up the urban emergency rescue and material reserve system in a forward-thinking way. The multifaceted crime prevention and control system driven by information technology will be improved, and the combat against organized crime and local criminal gangs will be conducted on an ongoing basis.


      IV. Improving Government Functions in an Effective Way


      We will keep upholding the Party’s political building as the highest imperative. We will conduct routine and effective study of the history of the CPC to acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will boost our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We will stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We will faithfully act on the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and directives and fully implement the major decisions and plans made by the Party Central Committee. We will continue to rectify the problems pointed out by the Party Central Committee disciplinary inspectors, auditors, and environmental inspectors. We will always take a clear political stand.


      We will remain committed to law-based government administration. We will further execute the plan for building a government based on the rule of law and strictly follow the regulations on the procedure of major administrative decision-making. We will, in compliance with the law, accept the oversight of the municipal people’s congress and its standing committee, consciously accept democratic oversight from the Xi'an Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, and conscientiously handle the proposals of their deputies and representatives, respectively. The eighth five-year plan for increasing public knowledge of the law will be fully carried out. Administrative law enforcement will be regulated, and the affairs of government will be more transparent as we build a “sunshine government.”


      We will commit ourselves to working diligently for the people. We will do our utmost to solve issues that people care about, especially the pressing ones, and meet the public’s expectations for our work with attention to every detail. We will continue to improve the 12345 citizen service hotline and the efficiency and quality of services benefitting enterprises and the public to earn their satisfaction with our performance. The government will keep its belt tightened. Government investment will be regulated, new additions to the government’s implicit debt will be resolutely prevented, the building of energy-efficient government workplaces will continue, and the operating costs of government agencies will be strictly controlled.


      We will continue focusing on getting the job done and fulfilling our responsibilities. Turning words into action will remain a critical gauge of government work, and all government staff must firmly develop a conscious awareness of delivering on implementation, diligently study and think, enhance their work-related skills, and work hard to continuously improve the government’s implementation capability. We will keep hammering away until a task is done and fulfill our responsibilities in a result-oriented way that rewards excellence and sacrifice.


      We will remain committed to building a government of integrity. We will fully assume the leadership responsibilities for strict Party governance, faithfully obey the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on improving conduct, along with the detailed rules for its implementation, and encourage the work style marked by diligence, responsiveness, strictness, practicality, meticulousness, and integrity. Solid progress will be made in improving Party conduct, ensuring clean government, and fighting corruption, especially in such key areas as public resource transaction, administrative law enforcement, operation and management of state-owned enterprises, and management and use of fiscal funds. We will apply greater supervision to auditing and statistics, remove the root causes for corruption, and resolutely crack down on corruption hurting the interests of the people as we work to create a political culture of integrity.


      Fellow Deputies,

      Now that the blueprint is drawn, we must rest not on our laurels and push ahead with even more determination. Let us rally closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and hold aloft the banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era. Under the strong leadership of the provincial Party committee, the provincial government, and the municipal Party committee, let us free our minds as we strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development in Xi’an through reform, a pioneering spirit, sheer passion, and tireless work. Let us do our part in setting the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress with excellent results.