




      On behalf of the 13th Xi’an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, I will now deliver a report to the 14th Xi’an Municipal Congress of the Communist Party of China.


      The theme of the Congress is: Hold high the banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the essential instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his important speeches during his inspection in Shaanxi Province, mobilize Party members, officials and the masses of our whole city, draw wisdom and strength from the major achievements and historical experience of the Party over the past century, carry forward the great founding spirit of the Party, free our mind, carry out reform and innovation, and make persistent efforts to comprehensively speed up the building of a national central city and usher in a new chapter of high-quality development for the city of Xi’an.


      Five Years of Sheer Endeavor: A Strong Base Built for High-quality Development


      Since the 13th CPC Xi’an Municipal Congress, we have remained committed to marching in the direction set by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee, we have achieved the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects on schedule and made solid progress in the building of a national central city.


      ——We have significantly enhanced our comprehensive strength.Over the past five years, our GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product) achieved an annual growth of 6.4%, rising to the level of one trillion yuan. The “6+5+6+1” modern industrial system has gradually built up a strong momentum and five industrial clusters, each worth over a hundred billion yuan, have been formed in the fields of electronic information, automobiles, aerospace, high-end equipment and new materials & new energy. R&D spent more than 5% of GRDP, and the total number of national high-tech enterprises exceeded 7,000.


      ——We have continuously deepened reform and opening-up.Our experience in comprehensive innovation and pilot reform in 12 areas was promoted nationwide. Xi’an has won the title of “Benchmark City for Investment Environment in China” for two consecutive years and been included in the country’s second batch of comprehensive pilot cities for the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises. Significant progress was made in the construction of the China Railway Express (Xi’an) Assembly Center, and the freight trains named “Chang’an” have made more than 10,000 trips in total. The National Airport Economic Demonstration Zone was approved for construction. A fifth-freedom freight air route was launched, and the number of international services in Xi’an reached 97. As a result, a traffic pattern that connects the Silk Road, has direct flights to Europe and America, and links five continents has preliminarily formed.


      ——We have continued to improve the eco-environment.We learnt our lesson from the demolition of illegally built villas in the Qinling Mountains and always kept in mind the country’s most fundamental interests. We took important instructions from General Secretary Xi Jinping as political foundations and further improved the closed-loop implementation mechanism that links deployment, implementation and supervision to ensure that each detail was put into practice and achieved results.

      We completed the special rectification of the illegally built villas and revised and issued Regulations and Plans on the protection of the Qinling Mountains and significant progress was made in restoring the eco-environment of Qinling as a result. 15,400 mu of ecological water areas were newly built, water with quality worse than Grade V was treated in all the major rivers, and the transformation and upgrading of moats was completed, creating a picture of “clear water surrounding an ancient city”.

      The city reported 265 days of good or moderate air quality in 2021, an increase of 73 days compared with 2016. The “Three Rivers and One Mountain” Circular Greenway, the Happiness Forest Belt and some other major ecological projects were completed and opened to the public. A green cityscape has gradually been formed.


      ——We have steadily improved urban functions. The building of Xi’an into a national central city was approved. With Xixian New Area under the jurisdiction of Xi’an, important progress was made in the integration of Xi’an and Xianyang. We started the Xi’an Xianyang International Airport Phase III Expansion Project, completed and put into use some major infrastructure including the upgrading and expansion of Xi’an Railway Station, basically completed the star-shaped high-speed train network, built 259 kilometers of subway, 6 express ways, 11 large-scale interchanges as well as 5 bridges and 2 tunnels spanning the Chanhe River and Bahe River.

      In line with the important requirement of “hosting a wonderful and successful sports event” by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we built the Xi’an Olympic Sports Center, a venue that consists of one stadium, one multi-purpose gym and one swimming and diving gym as well as other high-quality facilities. With high-quality preparatory work, we presented the highlights of Xi’an during the National Games.


      ——We have made solid advances on the cultural fronts. Core socialist values have been embraced by our people, and initiatives to improve public etiquette and ethical standards have proved successful. We have built 42 new museums of various kinds, with the total number of museums in Xi’an now reaching 159. Further, there are 4 national archaeological parks in Xi’an, the largest number of any city nationwide.

      Red Star over Shaanxi and Gansu was listed as a documentary film of major revolutionary and historical themes in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The drama Liu Qing won the Wenhua Award. The cultural and tourist district built by Xi’an Yisu Society was completed and opened to the public. The street known as the Grand Tang Mall was selected and added to the first batch of national pilot pedestrian streets. Xi’an is now home to five 5A class scenic areas.


      ——We have made greater efforts to ensure people’s wellbeing. 80% of newly increased financial resources each year were used for improving living standards. The per capita disposable incomes of the city’s urban and rural residents reached 46,931 yuan and 17,389 yuan, respectively. We won the fight against poverty as scheduled. We built or expanded 665 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens providing 526,300 new places and accelerated the construction of 13 hospitals at tier III. We increased efforts to improve basic social insurance and assistance systems such as elderly care, medical insurance and subsistence allowances for residents.


      ——We have consolidated and developed democracy and the rule of law. The Municipal People’s Congress has made new achievements in legislation and supervision work, the Municipal Committee of the CPPCC has made fresh progress in its work, and all other political parties and non-governmental organizations have given full play to their roles. A greater united front has been continuously improved as a result.

      We have made smooth progress in the reform of the judicial system and steadily advanced law-based governance of the city. We have achieved positive results in our crackdown on gang crimes and the education and rectification campaign within law enforcement and judicial agencies. Xi’an has won the title of National Double Support Model City for 9 consecutive years.


      ——We have made sweeping efforts to strengthen the Party. We carried out intensive campaigns on the “Two Studies and One Action” (Party members must gain a good understanding of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major policy addresses and meet Party standards) learning and education, the themed education of “staying true to our founding mission” and the learning of Party history. As a result, Party members and officials became deeply aware of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

      We did better in primary-level Party building to ensure that officials stay responsive to the call of the people and worked ceaselessly to eradicate the practice of formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance.

      We took solid steps to address problems found during the inspection of the central and provincial committees, and resolutely eliminated the pernicious influence and the leftover poison of Zhao Zhengyong and Wei Minzhou. As a result, a healthy political atmosphere of integrity within the Party has been continuously consolidated.


      Comrades, only in hard times can courage and perseverance be manifested. Only after polishing can a piece of jade be finer. We underwent a severe and complicated outbreak of COVID-19 at the end of last year, which was a fierce battle and tough test of our efforts in epidemic prevention and control.

      Under the care and concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the effective command of the CPC provincial committee and the provincial people’s government, we Xi’an people united as one, fought tenaciously, helped each other and took on the challenge in solidarity to win the battle against the epidemic.

      In this battle, medical workers headed for the frontline heedless of their own safety; our brother cities rushed to the front line to offer timely help and support; the caring people gave selflessly; Party members and officials acted upon orders and led the charge; community workers, property management workers, volunteers, delivery men, sanitation workers and workers in anti-epidemic supplies worked day and night; 1.3 million residents and numerous stranded people including students who were to take postgraduate entrance exams and migrant workers actively cooperated with epidemic prevention and control work by taking nucleic acid tests, providing accurate information for epidemiological investigation and contact tracing and observing the closed-off management.

      Despite the great pressure, they supported each other and overcame various difficulties, making important contributions to stemming the spread of the virus and winning the final victory of the battle. All these examples are displays of the spiritual strength of unity. Let’s pay tribute to the heroic Xi’an people!


      Comrades, our hard work over the past five years has been remarkable and our achievements have not come easily. We owe them to the direction set by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core; to the strong leadership of the CPC provincial committee and the provincial people’s government; to the solid foundation laid by all previous sessions of the municipal Party committee; and to the joint endeavor of all the people in Xi’an.

      On behalf of the 13th Xi’an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, I express heartfelt thanks and pay the highest tribute to Party members, officials and citizens who have devoted themselves to work; to retired leaders and cadres who are concerned for Xi’an; to all other political parties, non-governmental organizations and other sectors that pursue a common goal of unity through thoughts and actions; to the People’s Liberation Army stationed in Xi’an, armed forces, public security forces, fire brigades and rescue teams who have fulfilled their duties loyally; and to all Chinese and foreign friends who have shown understanding and support for the development of Xi’an.


      We are also keenly aware that, the basic dimension of our city’s context - that Xi’an is still facing underdevelopment - has not changed, which is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

      The economic aggregate is relatively small. The industries should be stronger and grow bigger, the innovation potential has not been fully tapped, our door needs to open wider, and we still have a long way to go in protection of the eco-environment. The management level of urban planning and construction awaits improvement, the guarantee level of people’s livelihood still lags behind people’s expectations, and the situation of anti-corruption remains severe and complicated.

      In particular, during the COVID-19 response, many weak links have been exposed in our basic and primary-level work, urban emergency management, public health system and community governance. A small number of officials are reluctant to take on responsibility, behave irresponsibly, or are unable to perform their duties. We must take effective measures to solve these problems head-on.



      Live Up to the Expectations of General Secretary Xi: Strive to Achieve High-quality Development


      General Secretary Xi Jinping gives particular attention to and cares for the development of Shaanxi Province and Xi’an City. Since the Party’s 18th National Congress, General Secretary Xi has made three inspection tours in Shaanxi, delivering important speeches and providing essential instructions, setting the development direction for Shaanxi and Xi’an. From his scientific and incisive judgment of “catching up and surpassing” to the important requirements of “Five Down-to-Earth Promotions”, “Five Requirements” and “usher in a new chapter on high-quality development”, General Secretary Xi has expressed his expectations and encouragement for Shaanxi and Xi’an.

      All these important instructions are coherent, consistent and interconnected, while keeping pace with the times. They have formed the grand blueprint and entrusted missions of the new era, injected strong momentum, and provided fundamental rules for our development.

      In particular, General Secretary Xi attended the 14th National Games in Xi’an in September last year which was a milestone in the development course of Xi’an. This has greatly stimulated the aspirations of all Party members, officials and the people to bear in mind the expectations of General Secretary Xi, shoulder the missions of the new era, spare no effort to catch up and surpass the advanced economies and promote high-quality development.

      We should always be grateful for the deep love of General Secretary Xi for Xi’an people and for our green mountains and clear waters. We will free our mind, carry out reform and innovation, and make persistent efforts to comprehensively speed up the building of a national central city and usher in a new chapter of high-quality development in the city of Xi’an. With all these efforts, we will see that Xi’an radiates with vitality.


      Those who recognize the trend are visionary and those who ride the trend will win. Xi’an is now in the stage of accelerated high-quality development, with the following basic characteristics:


      1. Multiple national strategies are combined.

      Xi’an is now facing some major opportunities such as the joint building of the “Belt and Road”, advancement of the development of western regions in the new era, and ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.

      It has undertaken the tasks of building more than 20 national innovation and reform pilot projects, including the National Comprehensive Innovation and Reform Pilot Zone and the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone.

      We are speeding up the building of Xi’an as a national central city supported by “Three Centers, Two Highlands and One Hub”, and working faster to foster major growth poles that lead the development of the northwest region.

      As a provincial capital and the core city of the urban agglomeration in the Guanzhong Plain, however, our urban primacy has long remained around 2.0 and our ability to facilitate the development of surrounding areas needs to be stronger.

      It is a major mission for us to make every effort to improve comprehensive urban functions and speed up the building of a national central city.


      2. A modern industrial system has gradually built up strong momentum.

      Strategic emerging industries are taking a larger proportion in the industrial system with strong momentum, and a number of outstanding enterprises such as LONGi, Shaanxi Automobile and BYD Auto are leapfrogging to the high end of the global industry and value chains.

      But the pillar industries that support high-quality economic development are not strong, there’s still room for improving the industry chain, modern industrial clusters are small in scale, and the core competitiveness of our industries needs to be stronger. We should give priority to strengthening the pillar industries and improving the level of industry chains.


      3. Innovation-driven development is accelerated.

      Xi’an is playing a more important role in building China’s strength in science and technology as it has participated in a number of major national science and technology projects, such as the China’s Chang’e series lunar missions, deployment of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System hardware, Tianwen-1 Mars mission, and deep-sea manned submersibles.

      Nevertheless, innovation chains and industry chains are not deeply integrated, the application rate of scientific and technological innovation achievements is low, and much remains to be done to unleash the potential of innovative development. We must give top priority to building the Qinchuangyuan platform and enhancing our innovation ability.


      4. Both the depth and extent of opening-up has increased.

      The functions of the pilot free trade zone, airport and land port have been continuously improved. The “Chang’an” freight trains of China Railway Express has become a golden channel for China’s foreign trade and plays an increasingly important role in China’s westward opening-up strategy.

      However, the opening-up and cooperation is still at a relatively low level, the scale and structure of foreign trade needs to be improved, enterprises are not as competitive as they should be in international trade, and the economy needs to be opened wider. It is a pressing task for us to make every effort to improve the quality and scale of foreign trade and do better in opening up to the outside world.


      5. Natural ecology is continuously improving.

      The amount of energy consumed for every unit of GDP keeps decreasing and the working and living environment is continuously improving. With that said, the ecosystem is vulnerable, environmental resource constraints have been intensified, and the environmental capacity is close to its upper limit. We must wake up to green transformation and development. It is necessary to take green development and the improvement of eco-environmental quality a permanent key focus.


      6. There are unique and superior historical and cultural resources.

      The brand “Thousand-Year-Old Ancient Capital Chang’an” has seen a continuous rise in influence. However, our resource advantages haven’t been fully transformed into development advantages, the cultural tourism industry is small in scale and low in efficiency, cultural resources and tourism are not deeply integrated, and our cultural soft power needs to be strengthened. We must give full attention to maintaining our city’s historical features and carrying forward the Chinese civilization.


      7. Urban functions have been enhanced.

      Both urban and rural areas have taken on a completely new look and our city image has been continuously improved. However, modernization in our system and capacity for urban governance need to be enhanced, urban management needs to be better and more intelligent, many dimensions of infrastructure construction remain weak, and much remains to be done to further promote the “city-industry-people integration” development path. Before everything else, we must make every effort to improve our urban construction management services.


      8. New progress has been made in ensuring and improving living standards.

      People’s living standards have been steadily improved in ways that are emotionally close to the people. In work on public wellbeing there are still many areas where we fall short, such as education, healthcare, the environment, traffic and transport, housing and elderly care. It is a major task for us to comprehensively solve the problems faced by the people.


      9. Development and security have been further ensured.

      The overall security situation is stable, the construction of a safe Xi’an has achieved remarkable results, and overall social harmony and stability have been maintained.

      However, there are increasing challenges to face in our work to maintain the safe and stable operation of the city, and our ability to withstand major disasters and recover quickly awaits improvement. We must make every effort to forestall major risks.


      On the whole, Xi’an is now facing incredible opportunities and enjoying unique advantages. That is what brings us confidence, potential and hope in speeding up the building of a national central city and ushering in a new chapter on high-quality development. But we must also be very clear: there are still large disparities in high-quality development between Xi’an and more well-developed cities. No advance or slow advance both means a drop-back. Opportunities will not wait for us and we should not “l(fā)ie flat” in competitive situations.

      We must have a profound understanding of the development characteristics of Xi’an in the current stage, free our mind, reform and innovate rather than follow the beaten path, seize opportunities rather than miss them, and forge ahead rather than stay put. With new ideas, the courage to reform and the ability to innovate, we will fully release the potential and drivers and see that Xi’an leaps forward, gaining a strong foothold in the strong tide of regional cooperation and setting sail towards a new chapter on high-quality development!



      Guiding philosophy for our work in the next five years


      In the next five years, we must:

      -follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

      -implement the guiding principles of the Party’s 19th National Congress and all plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee;

      -thoroughly put into practice the essential instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Shaanxi;

      -implement the decisions and plans made by the Party Central Committee;

      -promote vigorously the great founding spirit of the Party;

      -apply the new development philosophy in full, in the right way, and in all fields of endeavor;

      -remain committed to the people-centered philosophy of development;

      -keep China’s fine traditional culture alive and strong;

      -respond to COVID-19 and pursue economic and social development in a well-coordinated way;

      -ensure both development and security;

      -increase efforts to serve and integrate into the new development pattern;

      -free our mind and carry out reform and innovation.

      With persistent efforts, we will usher in a new chapter of high-quality development for Xi’an.



      Our goals for the next five years


      We will continue to bear in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions. We will strive to build a high-level modern industrial system, work faster to enhance core competitiveness of industries and build Xi’an into a competitive industrial city in all vigorous and determined endeavors.

      We will leverage opening-up to foster new advantages in international cooperation and competition for the revitalization of this thousand-year-old city.

      We will integrate our resource advantages and turn them into development advantages, build Xi’an into a national central city with better functions, and strive to turn the grand blueprint drawn up by General Secretary Xi into a beautiful reality.

      All these endeavors can be referred to as the “Six Builds”:


      ——We will strive to build a competitive industrial city in west China that focuses on high-quality development.

      A strong economy is a distinct characteristic of a national central city and we have always pursued the building of a strong municipal economy.

      We will thoroughly implement the requirement of “making greater strides in high-quality development” set by General Secretary Xi Jinping, focus our efforts on promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, and strengthen the planning, investment, reserving and implementation of high-quality projects.

      After five years, we will build Xi’an into a competitive industrial city with international influence. By then, we will see that the total output value of industrial enterprises above the designated size in strategic emerging industries will account for 54% of the total industrial output value, and the GRDP will exceed 1.5 trillion yuan.

      With development quality and efficiency being significantly improved, Xi’an will become an important growth pole for the country’s high-quality development.


      ——We will strive to build a national innovative city with strong engines.

      Innovation is the primary driving force behind high-quality development.

      Xi’an boasts a long history of innovation endowed with innovation resources, advantages and potential.

      We should thoroughly implement the requirement of “focusing more efforts on innovation and making innovation a new engine to drive development” set by General Secretary Xi Jinping and put innovation in a central place in our development strategy.

      Underpinned by the Qinchuangyuan innovation-driven platform, we will accelerate the shift in driving forces for development to see that the whole city’s R&D investment accounts for more than 5% of GRDP, the number of national high-tech enterprises reaches 12,000, a number of breakthroughs are made in key technologies, and remarkable results are achieved in the development of the National Comprehensive Innovation and Reform Pilot Zone, National Hard & Core Technology Demonstration Zone, National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Pilot Zone and other national pilot projects.

      With all these, we will make great contributions to promoting China’s sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels.


      ——We will strive to build Xi’an into a new focus of reform and opening-up in China’s interior.

      Openness is the only road leading to prosperity and development.

      Xi’an has been an open and inclusive city since ancient times. The building of the Belt and Road in the new era has made Xi’an a forefront for China to open its doors wider.

      We should thoroughly implement the requirement of “integrating in depth into the development pattern for the Belt and Road Initiative” set by General Secretary Xi Jinping, seek impetus from reform and energy from opening-up, and ensure better alignment between an efficient market and a well-functioning government.

      We will work to create a world-leading business environment, see significant progress in the development of the China Railway Express (Xi’an) Assembly Center, and build an international trade channel in China’s interior with high efficiency, low cost and superior services that can contribute a total import and export value of more than 650 billion yuan.

      With all these efforts, we will comprehensively improve the openness of our economy, play a more prominent pivotal role as an important junction and portal along the Belt and Road and act as a strategic propeller for China’s westward opening-up.


      ——We will strive to build a beautiful Xi’an characterized by harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

      Green is the keynote of high-quality development.

      Xi’an has enjoyed a beautiful eco-system since ancient times. The poet Zhang Ji once described the beautiful scene of ancient Chang’an in poem Walk along the Embankment by saying that “Embankments along roads of Chang’an are sandy; the wind raises no dust and the rain never muddies the road.”

      We should thoroughly implement the requirement of “advancing continuous improvement of eco-environmental quality” set by General Secretary Xi Jinping, bear in mind that “if we humanity do not fail Nature, Nature shall never fail us”, uphold the idea that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, prioritize ecological conservation and boost green development.

      We must work to ensure that our efforts to build an ecological civilization permeate all processes and fields across the city. We will continue to improve the ecological civilization system and see that the eco-environment of the Qinling Mountains is under comprehensive and effective protection, the total emission of major pollutants keeps decreasing, the environmental quality of the atmosphere, water and soil continues to improve, active efforts are made toward carbon peaking and carbon neutralization goals, and the amount of energy consumed for every unit of GDP decreases by 13%.

      With all these efforts, we will be able to see greener mountains, cleaner waters and bluer skies in Xi’an.


      ——We will strive to build Xi’an into a global cultural city that highlights Chinese civilization.

      Culture is the spiritual lifeline of a nation.

      Xi’an is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization. Historical and cultural resources are unique and belong to humanity. In Xi’an, one can feel the culture of Han and Tang dynasties and see ancient buildings of the Qin and Han dynasties everywhere.

      We should thoroughly implement the requirement of “exploring and making good use of rich cultural resources to boost cultural development” set by General Secretary Xi Jinping, take good care of historical and cultural relics, and do better in carrying forward Chinese civilization and maintaining our city’s historical features.

      After five years, we will see that social etiquette and civility have been significantly enhanced, public cultural services have been boosted to a higher level, culture and tourism have become deeply integrated, the added value of the cultural tourism industry accounts for 18% of GRDP, and both the communication and influence of urban culture are remarkably enhanced.

      With all these, Xi’an will become a window to showcase Chinese culture and Chinese civilization.


      ——We will strive to build Xi’an into a livable city where all people live happily.

      Our mission is to meet the people’s desire for a happy life.

      We must thoroughly “do more to meet people’s living needs and promote social advancement”, a requirement set by General Secretary Xi Jinping, remain committed to the people-centered philosophy of development, and address the concerns of the people, be they big or small, with the utmost care and attention.

      We will work to see that individual income grows in step with economic development, promote the high-quality, well-balanced development of basic public services including education, medical care, traffic and housing, improve the multi-tiered social security system, and make notable progress in modernizing our city’s system and capacity for governance, in promoting rural revitalization and integrated urban and rural development, and in pursuing common prosperity.

      Through these measures, the quality of life for the people will improve significantly.


      Comrades, never stop fighting, for beyond the fight lies success. It is our mission and responsibility to build a national central city and write a new chapter of high-quality development.

      We must steadfastly follow the path guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and never let up until we reach our goals, come rain or shine.

      Embarking on a new journey in this new era, we will see, through fresh eyes, the new and lofty accomplishments we make. They will be worthy of our history, our times, and our people!


      III. Shouldering the Mission in the New Era and Accelerating the Formation of an Important Growth Engine for National High-Quality Development


      The following five years is a key period for making breakthroughs in our endeavor to accelerate the construction of a national central city and write a new chapter of high-quality development. The whole city should intensify efforts to successfully implement the following key tasks around the “Six Creations”.


      (1) Creating new advantages for comprehensive high-quality development led by the Qinchuangyuan innovation-driven platform


      1.In constructing Qinchuangyuan’s general pattern of “One platform and Two Zones”, we will:

      -create an innovation-driven Qinchuangyuan platform relying on Xixian New Area and i-HARBOUR;

      -create Qinchuangyuan Technological Innovation Demonstration Zone with a High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Chang’an University Center and a Spaceflight Base as the carriers;

      -create the Qinchuangyuan Advanced Manufacturing Industry Demonstration Zone with Xi’an Economic and Technical Development Zone, Weibei New City and Yanliang District (Aviation Base) as the carriers;

      -coordinate efforts to share innovation resources in an efficient and cooperative way throughout the whole city, and create a three-dimensional and interconnected "incubator", an "accelerator" for the application of sci-tech achievements, and a “catalyst” for the integration of two chains.


      2.To achieve top-tier status in scientific and technological strength for our national strategies, we will:

      -attract more major basic scientific and technological facilities to Xi'an to establish the city as a comprehensive national science center;

      -attract famous enterprises, universities and institutes both internationally and domestically to set up regional research and development centers in Xi'an, and build 100 new R&D institutions;

      -make good use of such mechanisms as “open competition” to make innovations in stranglehold technologies as well as making great efforts to establish a number of solid core technologies.


      3. To highlight the principal role of enterprises in making innovations, we will:

      - encourage and guide enterprises to increase their input in R&D; give play to the leading function of big firms, drive collaborative innovation among large, medium-sized and small enterprises, and realize the goal that enterprises’ spending on R&D accounts for 50% of the spending on R&D in the whole society;

      - implement the doubling plan of innovative enterprises and double both the number of national high-tech enterprises and the number of technology-focused small and medium-sized enterprises;

      - establish a pilot zone for the reform and innovation of national technology innovation and ensure that 100 technological enterprises get listed;

      - facilitate all kinds of innovative factors to converge on enterprises to make them powerful entities for innovation.


      4. To ensure the smooth local transformation of scientific achievements, we will:

      - promote the deep integration of government, enterprises, universities, research institutes and end-users, implement transformation projects for major scientific achievements and ensure the removal of obstacles in the “l(fā)ast kilometer” in the transformation of scientific achievements;

      - build the Xi'an Technological Factors Trading Market and the national northwest technology transfer center to a high standard;

      - increase efforts to turn Xi’an into a key city with a national intellectual property right operation service system and promote the level of protection and use of intellectual property rights.


      5. To enhance Xi’an’s appeal for talents, we will:

      - cultivate talents in a scientific way, give play to the principal role of higher education institutions, research institutes, and enterprises in fostering talents. We will build a strong workforce of high caliber inter-disciplinary talents, young professionals, remarkable engineers and highly skilled workers in science and technology;

      - introduce talents effectively by establishing platforms for gathering talents and introducing top-level and rare talents and high-level innovative teams based on a detailed talent list;

      - fully tap the potential of all kinds of talents by establishing platforms for them to start businesses and foster an environment in Xi'an in which talents seek maximum growth.


      (2) Developing a modern industrial system with the characteristics of Xi'an and comprehensively promote industrial core competitiveness


      1.To achieve a breakthrough in the strength of pillar industries, we will:

      -accelerate the process of optimization and upgrading of the entire industrial chain and promote the cluster development of 19 key industry chains; foster and introduce industry leaders, "little giants" that are leading small and medium enterprises that specialize in niche sectors, and top manufacturers in single products;

      -ensure that the number of the enterprises with an output value worth more than ten billion yuan reaches 15; ensure that six major pillar industries--electronic information, automobiles, aerospace, high-end equipment, new energy and new materials, food and biomedicine--double their output value and become an advanced manufacturing cluster with international competitiveness.


      2. To focus our effort on growing emerging industries we will:

      - set up industry chains focused on innovation platforms like the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Center and National Advanced Rare Metallic Material Technology Innovation Center;

      - develop five major emerging industries—artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, robotics, Big Data and satellite application, and ensure their business revenue tops 300 billion yuan;

      - make a forward-looking layout of an array of future industries such as quantum science and technology, brain-inspired intelligence, deep sea & deep space, and cutting-edge new materials.


      3. To make improvement in producer services, we will:

      - work to make six major producer services (modern finance, modern logistics, R&D and design, inspection, testing and certification, software and information service, and meeting, conventions and exhibitions) develop their professionalism and target the high end of value chain, and help their total business revenues exceed 600 billion yuan;

      - popularize the model of “service-based manufacturing” practiced by Shaanxi Blower (Group) Co., Ltd. and that of “full-life-cycle management” practiced by Shaanxi Automobile; promote the construction of pilot and demonstration projects in the deep integration of advanced manufacturing industry and modern service sector, and strive to become a national service-based manufacturing demonstration city.


      4. To promote the deep integration of cultural industry and tourism, we will:

      - present entire cultural traditions and construct a complete industrial chain in the culture and tourism industries in order to turn Xi’an into a world-class tourist destination famous for its Chinese culture. This will be done by expanding the coverage of the culture and tourism industry step by step;

      - accelerate the formation of the development pattern of “one core, two corridors and eight areas”, improve and expand a group of world-class cultural scenic spots and resorts including the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, Qujiang and Lintong, and develop the national demonstration area for the integrated development of culture and tourism;

      - promote the pluralistic integration of culture and tourism industry and increase efforts to develop business fields like industrial tourism, red tourism, rural tourism, study and health tourism; intensify efforts to develop the cultural manufacturing industry and strengthen culturally creative industries like comics and animation, and TV programs and films;

      - speed up the construction of Xi’an as a national "all-for-one" tourism demonstration city and enlarge the cultural value effect of Xi'an in tourism.


      5. To realize an actual effect in “empowering the digital economy comprehensively”, we will:

      - accelerate the process of digital industrialization and develop digital industries like cloud computing, block chain, and geographical information;

      - accelerate the construction of Xi’an Digital Economy Industry Park, the National Geographical Information Industry Export Service Base, and Xixian New Area National-level Big Data and Cloud Computing Industry Base;

      - accelerate the process of the digital transformation of industries, transform the whole chain of key industries comprehensively with digital technology and support enterprises to build intelligent production lines, digitized workshops, smart factories and an industrial Internet platform so as to create new advantages in the digital economy.


      (3) Deep integration into domestic and international circulations and creating a highland of reform and opening-up


      1. To invigorate the market entities, we will:

      - move faster to reform the market-based allocation of factors like land, workforce, capital, technology and data, and the flow of production factors from the low-end and low efficiency fields to high-quality and efficient fields;

      - improve the government’s efficiency in oversight, and realize comprehensive end-to-end supervision;

      - deepen the comprehensive reform of state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets and give play to the underpinning role of state-owned enterprises; remove the obstacles restricting the development of private enterprises and accelerate the growth of the private sector;

      - deepen reforms in streamlining the government, delegating power, and improving government services, and create a market-based, law-based, and internationalized business environment.


      2. To make new breakthrough in the construction of an international comprehensive transport hub, we will:

      - accelerate the construction of Phase III of the airport, weave an aviation network covering the whole world, and build a national airport logistics hub;

      - accelerate the construction of a star-shaped high-speed railway network and expressway network and improve the accessibility of the land route of the New Eurasian Continental Bridge; work to improve the quality and expand the capacity of the airport and land port;

      - promote the interconnected development of the production, trade and urban area of the airport and land port and construct a highly efficient low-cost international trade passway in the hinterland of China.


      3. To raise the open economy to a new level, we will:

      - make improvements to the platforms opening to the outside world, promote the functions of the airport and railway port, enhance the international influence of the Euro-Asia Economic Forum and the Silk Road International Expo, deepen the international cooperation in production capacity, and build an important industrial base under BRI;

      - build a high-quality (Xi’an) China-Europe Railway Express concentration center;

      - attract more multi-nationals to invest and facilitate more major foreign-funded projects to settle in Xi’an;

      - increase efforts to make foreign trade improve in both quality and quantity by optimizing its structure, speeding up its growth, increasing its proportion and raising its level.


      4. To fully unleash the growth potential of domestic demand, we will:

      - spare no efforts to set up projects for expanding investment and promoting consumption and realize a concerted increase in investment and consumption;

      - highlight new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives and major projects, and implement a group of major projects that will enhance the foundation, add new functions and bring long-term benefits;

      - introduce outstanding firms and big projects among Fortune Global 500 companies and the top 500 Chinese enterprises in high-end industries to Xi’an and let them settle here;

      - promote traditional consumption, foster new consumption and create a central city of global consumption by complying with the upgraded consumption trend.


      (4) Scale up efforts to strengthen the comprehensive bearing capacity of Xi’an and comprehensively improve its quality


      1. To construct a new pattern for the development and protection of territorial space, we will:

      - insist on the principle of integrated development of production, life and ecology, and formulate a high-standard master plan of territorial space;

      - build several high-level industrial areas and high-quality urban areas like the Silk Road Science Town and Silk Road Software Town to promote the level of intensive and efficient use of land resources;

      - implement the space development strategy of “show control in the south, take big steps in the north, integrate development in the west, expand in the east and find new advantages in the middle”, namely controlling the ecological protection red line in the south, making a major step as a strong industrial city in the north, launching the new model of integrated development of Xi’an-Xianyan in the west, expand new space for the development of a national central city in the east and show new advantages of an ancient capital city centrally.


      2. To lead the integrated development of the city cluster on the Central Shaanxi Plain, we will:

      - speed up the process of integration of Xi’an-Xianyang, and scale up support for turning Xixian New Area into a pilot zone of the national innovative city development pattern;

      - build modernized metropolitan areas of Xi’an and strengthen its integrated development with Tongchuan, Weinan, and Yangling;

      - improve the regular communication mechanism in the city cluster on the Central Shaanxi Plain and conduct collaboration around fields such as facility connectivity, industrial coordination and ecological protection;

      - promote the construction of Xi (an)-Luo (yang)-Zheng (zhou) high-quality development cooperation belt, and play a greater role in the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River Basin.


      3. To implement the city upgrading program, we will:

      - stress the protection of the city’s particular landscape, cultural characteristics and architectural style, accelerate the renovation of urban villages, old residential areas and back alleys, promote the level of infrastructure including water supply, electricity, gas, heating and roads, and keep improving urban functions;

      - strengthen the construction of facilities such as emergency management, disaster prevention and emergency shelter, and public health and epidemic prevention, promote the capacity for surviving severe natural disasters and ensuring a quick recovery;

      - plan and build a group of high-grade public spaces like the “urban drawing room, green corridors and green paths to let the local residents live a poetic life surrounded by green plants and beautiful parks.


      4. To advance the city’s digital transformation, we will:

      - accelerate the construction of digital infrastructure such as 5G, IOT and data centers, create a strong and intelligent “urban brain”, and realize “the entire coverage of the city with one network and citywide data presented on one big screen”;

      - set up the new generation of a government service data sharing and exchanging system, intensify efforts to promote the level of data collection and integration and their comprehensive use, build an integrated government service platform, improve the service functions of “i Xi’an” and create a digital government;

      - explore the application of intelligent technology in all scenarios and let the masses enjoy a new intelligent life-style.


      (5) Enhancing Xi’an’s advantage in green development and drawing the picture scroll of Xi’an under the Beautiful China initiative


      1. To show our commitment to protection of the ecology of Qinling Mountains, we will:

      - understand why unapproved construction projects on Qinling Mountains are unacceptable, carry out the Regulations and Planning made for the protection of Qinling Mountains, and turn the notion of protecting Qinling Mountains into a social consensus to build a strong national ecological security shield;

      - press ahead with the task of sufficient correction, repair and protection of the ecological environment of Qinling Mountains;

      - advance the construction of “digital Qinling Mountain”, promote the intelligent protection of the ecological environment of Qinling Mountains, and work to ensure it retains its beauty and ecological health.


      2. To intensify efforts to win the critical battle of pollution prevention and control, we will:

      - make incessant efforts to keep the sky blue, ensure the ratio of days with fine air quality to reach 78%, and basically eliminate heavy pollution;

      - make incessant efforts to keep the water clear, advance the comprehensive ecological treatment and protection of the Weihe River basin, consolidate the treatment of black and malodorous water bodies, and ensure all the surface water sections monitored by the state meet the Class III quality standard;

      - make incessant efforts to bring under control the risks associated with worsening soil qualities, strengthen the prevention and comprehensive treatment of soil pollution, take effective measures to bring under control the risks associated with the polluting of arable land and construction areas, and strictly implement a waste-sorting system to create a national zero-waste city.


      3. To accelerate the transition to a low-carbon and greener economy and society, we will:

      - take well-ordered steps to achieve ever-lower carbon emissions and carbon neutrality and guarantee the realization of our goals in carbon emission reduction;

      - accelerate the transition to a green production mode, build a group of circular economy industry parks, popularize green buildings and the building of energy efficiency, actively develop green finance, strengthen research, demonstration, and popularization of green and low carbon technologies, and advance economical efficient use and recycling of resources comprehensively;

      - advocate a green lifestyle and promote simpler, greener and low-carbon living habits.


      4. To make improvements to the ecological management system, we will:

      - improve the three-dimensional safeguard mechanism of ecological environment in legislation, law enforcement, and jurisdiction;

      - improve the region-specific approach to environmental management featuring red lines for ecological conservation, benchmarks for environmental quality, caps on resource utilization and ecological environment access;

      - improve the ecological supervision system and ecological examination system and work to ensure the relevant departments shoulder environmental protection responsibility;

      - call for market-oriented trading of permits for pollution discharge, energy use, water use and carbon emissions, and optimize the transfer payment system for ecological compensation.


      (VI) Develop Xi’an’s urban culture so that it reflects the unique glamor of the ancient capital


      1. To raise the urban civilization to a new level, we will:

      - publicize Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era thoroughly, promote red ideals such as the “Yan'an spirit” and “westward move spirit”, promote the learning of the histories of the Party, New China, the reform and opening-up, and socialist development in a lasting manner, and lay a solid foundation for ideals and faith across the social spectrum;

      - orient public opinion in a correct direction and consolidate and strengthen mainstream thought and public opinion;

      - foster and practice socialist core values, seek to promote civic virtue, deepen the cultivation of the spiritual civilization of our people, expand the functions of Xi’an as a civilization center in the new era, and polish the gold-lettered signboard of Xi’an as a national city of culture.


      2. To protect the cultural treasures in Xi’an, we will

      - stick to the principle of giving priority to the protection of cultural relics, implement projects aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization, and strengthen the protection of world cultural heritage such as the Terracotta Warriors and the site of the Daminggong Palace of Chang’an;

      - strengthen the vivified display of historical and cultural resources, and accelerate the construction of the demonstration area for the protection and utilization of the Han Chang'an City Site;

      - advance the revolutionary historical relics protection and utilization program and build “a city of museums”;

      - vitalize and make good use of cultural resources and bring back to life relics in closed palaces and make known the legacies of the vast land of China and records in ancient books.


      3. To enrich the culture of Xi’an, we will:

      - strengthen the construction of public cultural infrastructure, build new landmarks like Chang’an Cloud, Chang’an Music, Chang’an Academy, and Xi'an Opera House, and improve the four-level public cultural service network in urban and rural areas;

      - strengthen the output of fine works of literature and art, and strengthen local characteristic culture brands (including Qinqiang Opera, Xi'an Movie & TV, Xi'an Performing Arts Group and Chang’an Painting School);

      - strengthen the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.


      4. To boost Xi’an’s cultural value, we will:

      - deepen and expand foreign cooperation and exchange in such fields as education, science and technology, culture and tourism, and create an important people-to-people exchange base;

      - enlarge the brand effect of “three festivals and three conferences”, plan and organize more high-profile international conferences and exhibitions, sporting events and cultural activities so as to promote Xi'an’s international communication capacity, make it a window showcasing Chinese culture, then utilize this culture to act as a bridge between Xi'an and the rest of the world.


      (VII) Stepping up efforts to create a better life and turn Xi'an into a demonstration city for common prosperity


      1. To raise the incomes of urban and rural residents steadily, we will:

      - strengthen the employment first policy, support flexible employment through multiple channels, introduce job policies targeting key groups including college graduates, veterans, migrant workers and urban residents with difficulties in finding jobs, expand the scale of employment, and improve employment structure and quality;

      - implement a program for doubling personal income, increase the residents’ incomes from salary, property and operation of business, develop public welfare and charities actively, and narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas.


      2. To expand the provision of high-quality public services, we will:

      - implement a policy for easing the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education, pursue high-quality and inclusive preschool education, high-quality and balanced compulsory education, high-quality and diversified high school education, and high-quality and innovative vocational education. We will improve the quality of higher education and expand its capacity, support Xi’an University to become a city university with distinctive characteristics;

      - build a high-level “healthy Xi'an”, accelerate the expansion of high-quality medical resources and their balanced distribution, build 13 new Grade III hospitals, improve community-based health care, and enhance preparedness and capacity for coping with major public health emergencies;

      - launch a fitness campaign across Xi’an and carry out an extensive patriotic public health campaign;

      - work to make basic services for the convenience of residents cover all areas of the city and give more attention to people's livelihood in the development of the city.


      3. To set up a sound multi-tiered social security system, we will:

      - improve basic insurance for endowment, medical care, unemployment, work-related injury and maternity, build a sound multi-tiered and multi-pillar social assistance system and ensure that its social policies safeguard people's well-being effectively;

      - guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of women, minors, and disabled people;

      - optimize the services and support for veterans;

      - adhere to the principle that housing is for living in and not for speculation, improve the house supply and support channels that encourage both renting and buying, boost the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the property market.


      4. To build a child/elderly-friendly city, we will:

      - improve prenatal and postnatal care services, construct a pluralistic infant and pre-school care and nursery service system, encourage citizens to have a third child, and lower the costs for maternity, child-rearing, and education;

      - cope with an aging population actively, and build a system that integrates home, communities and healthcare facilities;

      - develop a silver-haired economy and the health industry actively, and increase the provision of products and service facilities adapted to make life easier for the elderly.

      - address issues concerning children and the elderly so that children grow up happily and the elderly live happily and comfortably in old age.


      5. To implement a strategy of rural revitalization, we will:

      - press ahead with rural revitalization in industry, talent, culture, ecology and organization, and promote the balanced distribution of public service resources in urban and rural areas;

      - implement the strictest farmland protection system and guarantee the steady output and essential supply of food and important farm produce and sideline products;

      - ensure that consolidating and expanding achievements in poverty alleviation will be effectively aligned with rural revitalization, and implement better monitoring and assistance mechanisms to prevent people from slipping back into poverty en masse.

      - promote the quality and benefits of modern metropolitan agriculture, strengthen characteristic agricultural brands, intensify efforts to develop protected agriculture and intelligent agriculture, and revitalize agriculture through digital technologies and E-commerce;

      - foster agricultural operation entities, and accelerate agricultural industrialization and the transformation of farming into a profession;

      - take prudent measures to advance comprehensive reform in rural areas, deepen reforms of the rural collective property rights system, improve the rural property-rights trading system, and develop a new-type rural collective economy;

      - carry out the construction of rural areas, and make a comprehensive and well-coordinated plan for the construction of towns and villages within a county;

      - improve rural infrastructure and advance the improvement of the rural living environment to make the villages better places for living.


      (VIII) Advancing efficient governance to create the model of Xi'an in municipal social governance


      1.To improve the primary-level governance system in urban and rural areas, we will:

      -advance innovation in primary-level governance led by comprehensive Party building, and improve the primary-level governance system that combines self-governance, rule of law, and rule of virtue led by Party organizations;

      -strengthen the construction of grass-roots level government, optimize the overarching grid supported by intelligent governance, guide and encourage a variety of personnel to go to grassroots level units and grids, and put in place an open and information-based grassroots system to provide a gridded management model and better services for everyone so as to open up the “nerve endings” in primary-level governance.


      2.To make innovations in municipal social governance, we will:

      -improve the social governance system, and build a new pattern of social governance pursuing collaboration, participation and common interests;

      -accelerate the construction of three-level (city, district or county, and sub-district) comprehensive governance and a grid-based service management center, improve the unified address database of municipal social governance factors, expand the application of a comprehensive social governance command information platform, and realize a network of social governance.


      3. To boost the capacity for guarding against and defusing major risks, we will:

      - pursue a holistic approach to national security comprehensively, and set up a sound mechanism for the judgment of risks, collaborate to prevention of risks, and guard against and defuse risks;

      - strengthen the oversight of political security, ideological security, social security, food security, energy security, ecological security and cyber security;

      - ensure the prevention and defusing of financial risks, corporate debt risk and government debt risk;

      - carry on and develop the Fengqiao model in promoting social harmony in the new era, provide smooth and official channels through which people can express their opinions, and set up a sound and diverse conflict and dispute solving mechanism.


      4. To raise the safety of Xi'an to a new level, we will:

      - improve the multidimensional crime prevention and control system, advance the movement for anti-terrorism and anti-rioting, and crack down hard on telecom and cyber fraud;

      - root out local criminal gangs on an ongoing basis, and consolidate and deepen achievements in education and governance within law enforcement agencies;

      - beef up the capacity for emergency management and response to public health emergencies;

      - set up a system for the investigation, prevention and control of public hidden dangers, strengthen the supervision over safety in production and the safety of food and medicines, and strive to become a national demonstration city for security and development.


      (IX) Strengthening the construction of democracy and rule of law, and consolidating the good situation of unity and perseverance


      1.To develop the whole-process people's democracy we will:

      -uphold and improve the people's congress system, support and guarantee the National People's Congress at all levels and ensure their standing committees fulfill their functions in accordance with the law and further strengthen legislation, supervision, and representation;

      -uphold and improve the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of CPC and support CPPCC to play its role in political consultation, democratic supervision and participation in and deliberation of state affairs.


      2.To deepen the construction of a Xi'an governed by law, we will:

      -strengthen the construction of a law-based government, and promote the level of law-based government administration;

      -deepen the comprehensive reform of the judicial system;

      -improve the public legal service system and strengthen the construction of a three-level (city, district or county and sub-district) public legal service center;

      -implement the 8th five-year plan to carry out publicity and education to raise public awareness of the law comprehensively.

      -move forward with the construction of BRI international commercial legal service demonstration area, and build the international arbitration center;

      -accelerate the pace of improving the social credit system and build a Xi'an strong on social credibility.


      3. To gather the strength from the people from all walks of life, we will:

      - strengthen cooperation with all other political parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and personages without party affiliations, work to keep up with the times, as well as to consolidate and strengthen the patriotic front in fields like ethnic groups, religion, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese affairs;

      - build an exemplary city for Double Support in the new era;

      - give full play to the role of organizations like trade unions, the Communist Youth League and the Women's Federation as a bridge to mobilize the masses to be grateful and loyal to the Party.


      Comrades! Our targets are in sight and time and tide wait for no man. The key to completing the tasks for the following five years and turning the blueprint into reality lies in the pragmatic and earnest hard work of Party organizations, members, and cadres at all levels. We must make steady progress year after year to achieve a bright future built on hard work and dedication.


      The first year is the key to the success of our blueprint. The 20th National Congress of the CPC will be held this year. This year is also a key year for the implementation of the 14th Five-year Plan and an important year for accelerating the construction of Xi’an as a national central city and writing a new chapter for high-quality development. In 2022, we will spare no efforts on nine fronts to lay a solid foundation for the realization of the five-year goals.


      First, we will intensify our efforts to grow the pillar industries and promote the level of industry chains.

      1. Implementing the chain chief system. We will launch a campaign to extend, supplement and boost industry chains; move faster to improve 19 key industry chains; re-establish the foundations of industries to promote the upgrading of an industrial base, modernize the industrial chain and construct a competitive industrial ecology.

      2. Making six pillar industries bigger and stronger. We will use characteristic industries to foster high-quality enterprises; encourage the growth of enterprises to drive the upgrading of industries; and boost five industry clusters worth one hundred billion yuan each and take the first step forward with a growth rate of not smaller than double-digit.

      3. The construction of high-quality projects drives high-quality development. We will carry out a “Year for Advancing the Construction of High-quality Projects” campaign and advance 897 municipal-level key projects with an annual investment exceeding 500 billion yuan efficiently. We will further plan and design a group of high-quality projects around new technological achievements, key industry chains, and government special bonds.

      4. Increasing efforts to attract investment. We will work to effectively attract investment in industry, investment banks, and other key areas; boost the staying power for industrial development by introducing a number of valuable, large, and outstanding enterprises and projects focusing on new technology and a small carbon footprint. The actual use of domestic investment will be more than 350 billion yuan with a further 10 billion USD in foreign investment.

      5. Promoting the transformation of advantages in war industry resources to industrial advantages. We will assist the development of defense-related science, technology, and industry through the establishment of Xi'an National High-tech Industry Innovation Demonstration Base.


      Second, we will intensify our efforts to develop the Qinchuangyuan platform and promote its capacity for innovation.

      1. Strengthening support for the innovation platform. We will advance the construction of Qinchuangyuan following the “one center, one company and one platform” approach by setting up the National Supercomputing (Xi’an) Center and AI Computing Center, pushing forward the construction of scientific and technological infrastructure such as attosecond laser, participating in the construction of the Aerospace Shaanxi Laboratory actively, and constructing the national key & core technology innovation demonstration area and national new generation of artificial intelligence innovation development pilot zone.

      2. Accelerating the on-the-spot transformation of scientific and technological achievements. We will popularize the pattern of NIN and the Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, as well as the three reforms for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements at Northwestern Polytechnical University; scale up support for the demonstration of the application of new technologies and products; and advance the on-the-spot transformation of 500 scientific and technological achievements within the year. The general window of Qinchuangyuan will mark the completion of the transformation and registration of companies of over 200 scientific and technological achievements.

      3. Promoting enterprises’ capacity for innovation. We will support industry leaders to take the lead in establishing innovation consortia; establish 40 R&D platforms including municipal-level and above innovation consortia, generic technology R&D platforms and new-type R&D organizations; foster up to 8,700 innovative enterprises and national high-tech enterprises; promote the deep integration of science and technology and finance; set up an innovation investment foundation of 10 billion yuan; and add 12 listed companies.

      4. Beef up the introduction and cultivation of innovative talents. We will upgrade the Xi'an Talent Program, expand the scale of the talent development foundation, and construct a group of work stations for experts and academicians and innovation bases for post-doctors; support scientific research personnel to found or lead the founding of enterprises with their own achievements, technologies and teams; promote the deep integration of “talent chain + fund chain + industry chain”; introduce and cultivate a total of 1,400 top grade talents domestically and internationally, including national and regional leading talents.


      Third, we will intensify our efforts to promote and improve Xi’an’s capacity.

      1. Optimizing the urban space pattern. We will formulate a master plan of territorial space, and construct a “one map” platform for the planning of resources; strengthen control over the use of territorial space, set up a mechanism to reserve blank space and green belt in the use of land, and delimit and implement a red line for the protection of permanent farmland, a red line for ecological protection, boundaries for urban development and a control line for the protection of history and culture; formulate implementation planning a space development strategy based on “show control in the south, take big steps in the north, integrate development in the west, expand in the east and find new advantages in the middle” to specify the key work and tasks at different stages.

      2. Building modernized metropolitan areas of Xi'an. We will accelerate the integration process of Xi'an-Xianyang, improve the joint meeting mechanism and promote integrated development in such fields as urban and rural planning, innovation-driven development, industrial development, infrastructure, ecological management, public service and social security, and accelerate the construction of connectivity infrastructure like the no. 16 subway line, phase III of the no. 1 subway line and the 16 arteries; advance the connection of roads between the main urban area and Weibei Industrial Area, accelerate the construction of subway line no. 10, and promote the complementary development of industries, connection of roads and deep integration on the two sides of the Weihe River; advance the implementation of the connectivity project between Xi'an and the Fuyan Area, start construction of rail transit from Xi'an to Fuyan and Weinan in a substantial move to advance the integration of Xi'an and Weinan.

      3. Strengthening Xi’an’s appeal comprehensively. We will improve the urban public service system, accelerate the expansion of resources like high-quality education, medical care, elderly care, and culture and work to effectively balance their distribution. We will build areas for the convenience of residents, ensuring access of necessities within a 15-minute walk; create a central city for international consumption, work to turn Xi’an into an international food city, improve the grade of business communities like Zhonglou-Nanmen and Xiaozhai-the Great Wild Goose Pagoda as well as the characteristic commercial areas like the Great Tang All Day Mall and Yisushe Theater, advance the process of turning Xi’an into a national culture and tourism consumption pilot city, develop the “first store” economy, night market economy and duty-free economy; launch a three-year campaign to optimize the business environment so as to better serve market entities and strengthen resources and funds to appeal to talents, industry, and technology.

      4. Promoting the healthy development and virtuous cycle of the property market. We will stick to the principle of housing being for living in and not for speculation; move faster to develop the long-term rental market, promote the construction of government-subsidized housing; and support the property market to ensure it better caters to the reasonable demands of consumers.


      Fourth, we will intensify our efforts to upgrade the operation mechanism of the development zone.

      1. Clarifying its functions. We will formulate a plan for increasing high-quality investment in key industries of the development zone, strengthen the municipal level’s overall coordination to form a staggered development pattern; deepen institutional reform guided by de-administration, and optimize the functional allocation by simplifying and stripping the management of social affairs and clarifying the duties, rights, and benefits of development zones and administrative areas in a bid to ensure the smooth restabilizing of development in development zones.

      2. Straightening out the management mechanism. We will further innovate management operation mechanisms, adjust and optimize work done by the management committee, and pursue corporate governance to realize commercialized management and market-based operation.

      3. Stressing performance and results. We will “make performance the criterion”, establish a different examination and incentive mechanism, and create a "field army" well versed in economics, attracting investment, and providing services.


      Fifth, we will intensify our efforts to improve urban construction, management and service.

      1. Advancing Xi’an’s infrastructure construction to a high standard. We will speed up the construction of major projects such as Phase III of the airport, Xi'an Eastern Railway Station, Phase III of the subway, the Huyi-Zhouzhi-Meixian Expressway and Lantian General Airport, speed up the construction of a three-dimensional and efficient comprehensive road network; add and optimize bus routes, implement intelligent transport, advance the coordinated connection of the subway, bus service, expressway and traffic calming system, and optimize and improve traffic efficiency; and make incessant efforts to improve public utilities like the urban pipe network and power grid.

      2. Proceeding with urban renewal effectively. Based on the inadequacies in urban construction exposed by the COVID-19 epidemic, we will accelerate the transformation of the villages in the city and focus our efforts on addressing pressing issues like basic supporting facilities, public services and personnel management. Respecting the historical style of Xi’an, we will advance the transformation of shanty areas (old residential areas) inside the city walls and the upgrading of architecture outside the city walls, accelerate the transformation of historical and cultural streets like Sanxue Street, strengthen the protection of city culture like historic monuments and sites to integrate culture into the texture of Xi’an.

      3. Innovating the method of city governance. We will advance the modernization of municipal governance, strengthen the leading power of Party building, integrate and optimize the grid resources, strengthen the training of full-time and part-time grid members, improve the award and guarantee mechanism; push the focus of social governance to go down to the communities and specific residential buildings, and promote the capacity for grassroots level governance combining ordinary issues and emergencies; increase the sophistication and intelligence of city management approaches, accelerate the building of a new intelligent city operation system and comprehensive command center, advance the building of intelligent communities, intelligent schools, intelligent hospitals, and intelligent transport to make the city more efficient and safer.


      Sixth, we will intensify our efforts to improve the public health system and capacity to respond to emergencies.

      1. Improving the mechanism between regular epidemic prevention and emergency response. We will improve the system for monitoring and early warning, prevention and control, epidemiological investigation, testing, medical treatment, isolation facilities, and guarantee the stable supplies of necessities, advance the deep integration of “the public security department, public health department and industry, information technology, and science & technology department” to realize preparations for effective emergency response.

      2. Improving the disease prevention and control system. We will improve the coordination mechanism for major public health risk analysis, evaluation, decision-making, and prevention and control, enhance the capacity for early discovery and monitoring and early warning, strengthen the building of prevention and control capacity at the grassroots level like the countryside and communities to consolidate the first line of defense.

      3. Improving the emergency response mechanism for major epidemics. We will set up a sound, unified, and efficient emergency command system consisting of clear instructions, well-arranged order, smooth operation and effective enforcement; strengthen the guarantee for the reserve and output capacity of important materials and goods and ensure they can be made available at crucial moments.

      4. Optimizing the major epidemic treatment system. We will advance the construction of municipal-level key hospitals, medical treatment bases and hospitals for infectious diseases handling ordinary and emergency cases, and build a class, level, and channel-based infectious disease treatment network; cultivate more talents in the sector of public health and set up disease control and emergency health training bases to produce a team of high-quality professionals.

      5. Enhancing Xi’an’s capacity for emergency response. We will set up a smooth, coordinated and interconnected emergency management system, improve risk assessment, monitoring and early warning and emergency response mechanisms; strengthen emergency plan management and improve the emergency command system, and arrange the city’s emergency rescue and supply reserve system to comprehensively promote its capacity for emergency response.


      Seventh, we will intensify our efforts to improve the quality and increase the quantity of foreign trade.

      1. Advancing the coordinated development of land ports and airports. We will accelerate the construction of the (Xi'an) China-Europe Railway Express concentration center, implement Xi'an’s port expansion and optimization program to expand multimodal transport; improve the functions of the digital financial service platform and deepen reforms in facilitating customs clearance; foster and boost the aviation hub support industry, advanced airport manufacturing, and high-end airport services in a bid to create an airport industry cluster and build a national-level airport economy demonstration zone.

      2. Promoting the transition and upgrading of processing trade. We will accelerate the construction of the National Processing Trade Industry Park, Industry Transfer Receiving Center and “five major centers” of the comprehensive bonded area; support processing trade enterprises to expand the domestic market and promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.

      3. Promoting innovation and development in trade in the service sector. We will comprehensively deepen pilot projects in the innovation of trade in services in Xi'an and Xixian New Area, strengthen efforts to turn Xi’an into a demonstration city for service outsourcing, and promote the openness of services like finance, education, culture and medical care.

      4. Promoting the scale and level of foreign trade. We will build platforms such as free trade zones, comprehensive bonded areas, and comprehensive cross-border E-commerce pilot zones; give play to the key role played by industry leaders like Samsung and Micron, support local outstanding enterprises like Shaanxi Automobile Group Co. Ltd., Longi and Fast in their aims to go global, increase efforts to develop trade in products featuring high quality, high-technology, and high added-value, and build a group of Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones; foster and boost large, medium-sized and small foreign trade enterprises and help them to enter the overseas markets; develop new types of businesses in trade like overseas warehouses, comprehensive foreign trade services, bonded repair, maintenance and offshore trade; ensure total import and export reaches a value of 480 billion yuan and a growth rate of more than 10%.


      Eighth, we will intensify our efforts to improve the quality of the ecological environment.

      1. Strengthening the protection of the Qinling Mountains’ ecological environment w. We will strengthen restoration of the ecological environment, take part in the construction of the Qinling National Park and Giant Panda National Park, improve the functions of comprehensive supervision platforms, and improve regular and lasting protection mechanisms.

      2. Advancing the comprehensive management of river and lake water systems. We will advance key water supply projects like the water diversion projects from the Han River to the Wei River and from Lanqiao to the Lijiahe Water Reservoir, move faster with the construction of water storage reservoirs, improve flood control and disaster relief, and move faster to divert sewage from storm water across the entire city to guarantee the safety of the city’s water.

      3. Pressing ahead with the prevention and control of air pollution. We will optimize and adjust the structure of industry, energy, transport and land use, move faster with the relocation of key enterprises with heavy pollution, build a green logistics system, and push forward the coordinated control of many pollutants; advance the construction of the project of “three bases and one center” for the recycling of resources, and enhance the capacity for disposing of sludge, sewage, domestic rubbish, solid waste and medical refuse.

      4. Implementing “Xi'an Action” for achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. We will make scientific route maps, time tables and assignments, strictly limit projects with high energy consumption and heavy emissions, promote clean production and call for a low carbon lifestyle characteristic of green travel and green consumption.


      Ninth, we will intensify our efforts to realize rural revitalization and promote urban-rural integrated development.

      1. Ensuring that consolidating and expanding achievements in poverty alleviation will be effectively aligned with rural revitalization. We will strengthen dynamic monitoring and assistance, scale up our support for key counties in the move for rural revitalization, strengthen the follow-up support for relocated farmers, and deepen the cooperation between Taicang and Zhouzhi to ensure people will not slip back into poverty in large numbers.

      2. Promoting agricultural modernization comprehensively. We will accelerate the development of metropolitan modern agriculture, promote the construction of a whole industrial chain for agriculture, strengthen the development of important agricultural products supply bases and protected vegetable industry zones along the Weihe River as well as agricultural products with national geographical indicators of quality like Zhouzhi kiwi fruit, Huyi grapes and Lintong pomegranates; develop new types of business such as leisure agriculture, creative agriculture, and ecological agriculture; strengthen the leading role of agricultural science and technology and promote the flexible application of Yangling’s resources of agricultural science and technology in Xi'an.

      3. Enhancing the vitality of agriculture and rural areas comprehensively. We will advance the construction of Gaoling, Yanliang, and Xixian as the linking zones of the national urban and rural integrated development pilot area, deepen the reform of “three transformations” (resources changed into assets, funds into money paid for shares, and farmers into shareholders), develop rural inclusive finance and boost the rural collective economy.

      4. Making solid progress in rural initiatives. We will further improve the rural living environment through a “toilet revolution”, domestic rubbish and sewage treatment, and make continuous efforts to improve rural infrastructure and build a group of digital villages and demonstration villages for beautiful countryside.


      Emphasis should especially be stressed on giving high priority to preempting and defusing risks and challenges. We should firmly implement the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions about the prevention and defusing of major risks; insist on coordinating development and security, persist in considering worst-case scenarios, strengthen awareness of potential dangers, make economic stability our top priority and pursue progress while ensuring stability, pay attention to early signs of danger and implement all measures meticulously to firmly hold the bottom line of security.

      We shall always give top priority to political security and guarantee nothing will go wrong in this field; prevent and defuse major risks in the economic field, take strict precautions to prevent structural and regional financial risks to ensure that at the bottom line there is no systemic risks.

      We should properly handle major social risks, make efforts to combat organized crime and root out local criminal gangs on an ongoing basis, and ensure improved capacity for the city's flood control and drainage, electricity generation capacity expansion, safety in production, safety in food and medicine, forest fire prevention, and prevention and control of natural disasters.

      We should make earnest efforts to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic on an ongoing basis, ensure that four parties (local area, department, unit, and individual) pledge themselves to fight the epidemic, implement all measures to prevent imported cases and domestic resurgences, and lay a solid foundation at the primary level to safeguard the life and health of the people.


      IV. Practicing strict self-governance in every respect within the PartyEnsure a strong political guarantee for high-quality development


      The key to writing a new chapter for high-quality development lies in the fact that the Party exercises effective self-supervision and practices strict self-governance in every respect. Party organizations at all levels in the city must implement general requirements for Party building in the new era, and we must ensure responsibilities for taking charge over self-governance are strictly fulfilled, deepen strict self-governance in every respect within the Party, and let high-quality development be led by high-quality Party building.


      (1) Strengthening political construction and firmly upholding Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and upholding the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We should acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; take a clear-cut political stand, carry out Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era comprehensively, and improve our capacity for political judgment, thinking, and implementation.

      We should strengthen their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow core leadership, and keep in alignment with central Party leadership; stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

      We will implement the guiding principles of important speeches and instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his inspection of Shaanxi and the major decisions of the Central Committee of CPC, improve the list-based and closed-loop work mechanism, and make sure Xi'an responds quickly to the orders of the General Secretary and decisions of the Central Committee of the CPC.

      We should strictly enforce the Party’s political rules and discipline, implement democratic centralism, and observe the Code of Conduct for Intraparty Political Life under the new situation; implement the responsibility system for ideological work; conduct the study and education of the Party history on a regular basis, and integrate the great founding spirit of the Party into our blood and soul conscientiously.


      (2) Intensifying efforts to promote abilities and strengthen skills for development. We will study and carry out Xi Jinping economic thought, absorb more knowledge about economics and science and technology to become "experts" for promoting high-quality economic development. We must acquire a strong will and the capability to solve major disputes and overcome complex difficulties. We must dare to make breakthroughs and successfully tackle tough issues as “men of action”; think about worst-case scenarios and always remain alert, and make sure to know clearly about the challenges and risks lying in store for us, taking targeted measures in response. In one word, we must strive to be the “experts” for preventing and defusing major risks.


      (3) Intensifying efforts to improve our work style and being proactive to shoulder responsibilities.We should be bold and shoulder responsibilities, be willing to work hard in fulfilling our duties; take the lead in effectively coping with major challenges and addressing major conflicts in promoting the high-quality development of Xi'an. We should implement the eight-point decision on improving conduct and the detailed regulations with perseverance, opposing formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance, with a particular focus on the first two problems to lighten the burden for the primary-level governments.

      Taking the opportunity of the “Year of Improving Party Conduct”, we will conduct an overhaul and a spring clean of problems in conduct by focusing on the pressing issues most concerning to enterprises and the masses. This will be done to ensure future conduct adheres to the traits of “diligence, quickness, strictness, practice, accuracy, fineness and cleanness”. We should remain committed to the notion of service reflecting value and work to ensure the people's well-being. We will win the trust of the people by serving them, seeking benefits and taking on responsibilities for them, thus presenting a new image with resolute and trustworthy conduct.


      (4) Intensifying efforts to foster high-caliber Party officials and mobilize their vigor for work. We will:

      - focus on training and selecting loyal, upright, responsible, high-caliber, and specialized officials, especially young officials, who demonstrate both integrity and ability by adhering to the criteria for professional officials in the new era;

      - take into consideration their ability, education, and age through use of the main criteria, then consider what kind of training and role they will be given for the Party;

      - enhance exchange and training among officials in different districts and counties for the purpose of common growth;

      - make efforts to help Party officials grow politically, practically, and professionally so they can temper their spirit and improve their skills while garnering experience and broadening their horizons;

      - implement the Culture of Seedlings program to strengthen routine education, management and supervision for young officials and to help outstanding young officials thrive;

      - ensure coordinated training and selection of female officials, officials from ethnic minorities, and non-Party officials; stimulate officials’ passion for fulfilling their duties by flexibly applying the “three mechanisms” (mechanisms that give incentives, allow for and address mistakes and allow promotion and demotion)


      (5) Intensifying efforts to build grassroots level organizations and consolidate the fighting bastion. We will:

      - strengthen the normalization of grassroots level organizations regarding enhanced political functions and organizing capacity as the key point;

      - build a standardized system for Party branches and work to strengthen and standardize the grassroots level Party organizations in every respect;

      - strengthen the role of Party building in the improvement of grassroots level governance, and promote the brand influence of “quickly responding to the people’s complaints”, forming a social governance system based on collaboration, participation, benefit sharing and foster communities of social governance in which everyone fulfills their responsibilities and shares in the benefits;

      - further advance the “Six Major Foundation-laying Actions” for promoting Party building and rural revitalization so as to bring the human and financial resources to the forefront of rural revitalization;

      - work to improve the quality and efficiency of Party building in enterprises and public institutions, strengthen Party-building in the private sector and social organizations;

      - improve work in CPC member admission, education, management, supervision and service and make Party members strive to play to the role of exemplary vanguard.


      (6) Intensifying efforts to improve the Party's political ecosystem and continuing to build a clean government. We will:

      - strengthen political supervision and give prominence to scrutiny of the "key few"-the principal members of the leadership teams at all levels;

      - strengthen the supervision and inspection of the performance of duties led by intra-Party oversight, and promote the integration of all kinds of supervision;

      - maintain a tough stance on corruption, focus on corruption in key fields and key links and corruption that occurs on the people’s doorsteps;

      - address both the symptoms and root causes and see that officials do not have the opportunity, desire, or audacity to engage in corruption;

      - continue to deepen reform through cases, eliminate such harmful influence as Zhao Zhengyong and Wei Minzhou completely, and guide Party members and officials to maintain discipline and stick to their principles.


      Comrades! The opening ceremony of the 14th National Games featured a Shanxi Opera aria, "The Chinese people use Qin stamps, the Great Wall was paved with bricks of the Qin Dynasty; The carts and horses on the straight roads of the Qin Dynasty came out of the Qin Pass to the sound of Qin drums; the strength and bravery of the Qin Dynasty is longer than the Yellow River and taller than Mount Tai”. This is a portrayal of the ancient people of the Qin State, and of those of us from Xi'an. We can overcome any difficulties so long as we have the willpower and perseverance of our ancestors. And we will surmount any difficulties or barriers that face us to work new miracles into the development of Xi'an!


      Fellow delegates,


      The road ahead is long; striving is the only way forward. Standing on the land of this ancient capital, we are prouder and more confident than ever because of our majestic landscapes, magnificent culture and red history. Standing here in the dynamic city of Xi’an, we will remain self-reliant forever because we have the trust of our leader, the expectation of our people and the call of the times. Let us rally more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and carry forward the great founding spirit of the Party. We will learn from history, work hard, forge ahead for a better future, and make tireless efforts to accelerate the pace of turning Xi’an into a national central city. We will write a new chapter for the high-quality development of Xi’an and set the stage for the successful convocation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China!